Example sentences of "for [det] times " in BNC.

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1 She had undressed many men , she had read somewhere that nakedness was safest , because with the mystery gone humans were just humans , not that exciting , nothing special , and she believed it , for some times and for some human beings .
2 For such times are not even necessarily the obvious ones , ‘ the visible sequences of events recorded by the chronicler ’ , they may be invisible , ‘ a complex ‘ intersection ’ of … different times , rhythms , turnovers , etc. ’ , only visible when their particular concepts are constructed and produced ‘ out of the differential nature and differential articulation of their objects in the structure of the whole ’ ( 101–03 ) .
3 In what ways are ‘ passion ’ or ‘ soul ’ appropriate signifiers for these times ?
4 Kinnock is resolutely of his place — principled , passionate , sentimental — and , by that token , he is not for these times .
5 To further suggest that the supposed Kinnockite qualities of being ‘ principled , passionate , sentimental ’ are antiquated is to imply that lack of principle , coldness and hard-nosed calculation are ‘ for these times ’ .
6 The knowledge that is discovered using these methods is regarded as objective and factual , i.e. it is correct for all times and all places , and is not going to be different according to who discovers it .
7 Freud 's view of science is not that of a simple empiricist , who assumes that , once something has been discovered in science , it remains true for all times , and that one day science will have discovered nearly all we need to know about the world and ourselves .
8 Some believe that it is normative in an absolute sense ; that Christ revealed what is to be believed ( for example about divorce ) for all times .
9 Advice on equipment for the new factory , which will have an initial output of five million litres and scope for many times more , has been provided by Courtaulds Coatings staff at Silvertown in the UK .
10 The most interesting item was a Q.V double florin which was sold for many times more than its 20p face value , leading the purchaser to complain ( with a smile ) about being ‘ ripped-off ’ .
11 Whether you prefer to follow Turner , and use the idea of a ‘ liminoid ’ period for those times and situations when only some members of a society pass through the rite of separation , is a matter of personal choice .
12 He made films like Sanders of the River ( 1935 ) and The Four Feathers ( 1939 ) , featuring courageous British aristocrats going off to fight for the British empire , not out of a sentimental admiration for those times , but because the Empire provided good stories , as Hollywood also found at the time .
13 For those times it was an environmentally sensitive organisation .
14 Face-packs and facial saunas are good for city skins or for those times when you feel your skin needs a pick-me-up ( during the winter perhaps ) or to quell an eruption of spots .
15 The anonymous author goes on to say that while Vial was not a highly educated veterinarian , even for those times , he was far in advance of the general practitioner in this country , who had usually no training whatever in anatomy or medicine .
16 Gain-up does tend to make the picture look rather grainy , though , so it is best to look on it as a last resort and reserve it for those times when a grainy picture is better than no picture at all .
17 Philip told what is , in fact , an extraordinary tale beginning as the not uncommon ( for those times ) attempt to rescue a poor but talented boy from his circumstances and ending as some sort of love story .
18 Equally , however , if the only learning experience one encountered was in closely programmed format there would be no scope for those intuitive leaps and imaginative forays most of us remember , or for those times in which one pursues a sudden enthusiasm almost to saturation .
19 All these parents sent their children to Byron House school , which was a very progressive school for those times .
20 The mixture of incomprehensible lunacy and clear truth was as surreal as the life she was living ; treading a thin line between the sharks in her room and Bryony , waiting for those times of distant peace , when she could watch the moving clouds through her window in simple tranquillity ; descending nightly into drugged black sleep , and carefully , anxiously behaving herself as inconspicuously as possible in front of the inhabitants of the house .
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