Example sentences of "is saying [is] " in BNC.

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1 What it is saying is in fact very simple .
2 What the doctor is saying is that he had to continue treatment , because it was right to do so as a matter of public policy .
3 And they do for 5–10 minutes , then he speaks out of the silence , ‘ and I know what he is saying is of the Holy Spirit — it resonates so clearly in me and rings true ’ .
4 What Mrs Gamp is saying is that Mrs Harris was told , to reassure her , that the howls she could hear ( which were , in fact , being emitted by her husband ‘ bein' took with fits ’ ) were the noise of barrel-organs in the street .
5 What is appropriate is first to desire to love your local church ; second , get alone with God and see what he wants to say to the church ; third , to begin to express this in your housegroup : ‘ I feel what God is saying is … . ’
6 Knowing enough of the language to understand what everyone else is saying is a decided plus .
7 What Sinclair is saying is that type descriptions of language knowledge based on intuitive impression and not grounded in actually attested data do not provide an adequate source of reference for language teaching .
8 What he is saying is that he always wanted to drive , his family was against it and he defied them and did it
9 What Jesus is saying is that there is no need for marriage at the resurrection .
10 What she is saying is that there are hundreds of millions of people out there who can let life go by without trying to relate themselves to the big issues .
11 What Go what Jesus is saying is do n't cut God out .
12 He states : ‘ What Hale is saying is that for the purpose of the law of rape the consent given at the time of the marriage ceremony can not in law be revoked . ’
13 In your case , what I suspect the landlord is saying is that the lease is excluded from the operation of the 1954 Act because there was a Court Order before the grant of the lease .
14 What Jesus is saying is , you do n't have to be afraid of death any more .
15 I hope that people will realise that what Labour is saying is inaccurate .
16 The hon. Gentleman will appreciate that what he is saying is crucial to the livelihood of thousands of people in my constituency .
17 What the hon. Gentleman 's local authority is saying is absolutely right .
18 This conditioning idea , absent in the that-clause construction , is what I believe accounts for the less factual tone of the infinitival structure : explicitly evoking one 's knowledge as the condition allowing one to assert something ( rather than flatly stating one 's awareness of a fact ) tends to suggest that what one is saying is a personal opinion rather than a matter of objective fact .
19 I understand an and appreciate wh what you 're saying and most grateful to you for that , I think wha what you 're , Neil is saying is is that with we must make sure the time , that this main strategic planning he has to look at , this very important issue , allows sufficient time for mature consideration
20 There are a whole range of things he ca n't do , he ca n't direct congress , he ca n't appoint who he wants freely , he ca n't make treaties with whom he wants when he wants , he ca n't start wars if he wants to start wars all these controls are on the president but what I , what er Newstat is saying is , over and above that , even in the areas where he appears to have constitutional authority , as a matter of practice it 's very difficult for the president to exercise his authority and when the president does exercise his authority he does so at great cost to himself .
21 What I think my colleague is saying is that when the actuary is assessing the commitments of the funds , he is looking at the anticipated increased earnings until the person retires and I think when the calculation is made for somebody who is er a deferred pensioner of leaving er a pension fund to take his money elsewhere a similar calculation or the same calculation should be used , the one that the actuary last used in , in looking forward and saying what the commitments are .
22 The salesperson first agrees that what the buyer is saying is sensible and reasonable , before then putting forward an alternative point of view .
23 what Labour is saying is that the reason why there 's low employ high employment is because er where , they 're trying to cut inflation which is , one of the side ways of cutting inflation is that interest rates go up and , but the thing is that which then leads to unem unemployment , but the thing is you ca n't have a decent the , full growing economies , its full capacity if you 've got high inflation all the time knackering you up
24 And what Mao is saying is quotes such talk may sound plausible but in fact it 's wrong .
25 So , bu bu but what Mao is saying is , is something fundamentally different
26 Right okay what he is saying is erm that first of all the peasants hit the landlords politically erm and the first thing they wanted to do was smash the political prestige and power of the landlord class erm without victory in this struggle no victory is possible in the economic struggle to reduce rent and interest er to secure land and other factors of production .
27 so they were n't actually , what Mao is saying is exploitation is not actually exploitation it 's just the landlor landlords working in an economic way .
28 An and he 's taking up what might , we might want to or , or what could be portrayed as restorationist as being revolutionary where I , I 'm not sure that it fully was a revolution er a and I you see what Mao is saying is that there would have been a class basis for all of this , they were doing it as a class of peasant , they might not have been , they might have been doing it just for restorationist purposes .
29 erm , well I think it 's , do , erm I do n't know whether you understand what 's been asked doctor it cou it 's a question of costs , er normally where er matters erm are dealt with in chambers for in counsel appear then erm these counsel do n't get paid for the other side erm unless there is certificate for counsel as I understand it , were the , were the counsel appeared before the Judge erm they are entitled to their costs and this is er an appeal to the Judge , but er what I think Mr is saying is , in case he happens to be wrong in that he would like an order that er his fees should be proper fees of the defen of the plaintiffs on this appeal and er such as you could say seems to me that er , that is a , that would be proper
30 What he probably is saying is that you more than likely get unless you actually .
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