Example sentences of "to the effect " in BNC.

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1 This noticeboard had already played a significant part in my life : nearly thirty years before then it had displayed the result of my own first degree ( second-class honours ) ; a few years later had come the perfunctory notice saying my doctoral thesis had been accepted by the college ; and shortly after that an even briefer note to the effect that I had joined the teaching staff .
2 the Government 's seeming indifference to the effect of the dispute on police public relations , [ should entitle the police ] to wonder whether it is being used to preserve law and order or to implement government policy .
3 His novels , though , suggest a mental movement not unlike Vergil 's thought to the effect that bees are working animals and do n't retire and spend their sunset years playing golf : .
4 He does not mention this book , but he does quote Lewis to the effect that ‘ nearly all our older poetry was written and read by men to whom the distinction between poetry and rhetoric , in its modern form , would have been meaningless . ’
5 Gerald Graff , in Professing Literature , is sympathetic to Scholes 's approach , quoting him to the effect that what we call skill in reading involves ‘ a knowledge of the codes that were operative in the composition of any given text and the historical situation in which it was composed . ’
6 Mr Noel Stock , who speaks as one who had Pound 's confidence in recent years and was in daily contact with him , explains that this passage derives from a hint thrown out by Jessie L. Weston in her from Ritual to Romance , to the effect that the charges of heresy brought against the Templars were not wholly unfounded , since some of the practices of the Eleusinian mystery-cults from the pagan Near East survived in the heart of Christendom in the rituals of the Templars , a survival to be traced in literature in the stories and poems about the quest of the holy grail .
7 One hears odd whispers to the effect that the production of seed is limited , and that only a few growers are allowed to handle them .
8 Moreover , neighbourhood police expressed a sensitivity to the effect which these casual encounters might have on the safety of those they talked to ‘ for you do n't know who 's watching ’ .
9 At this conference in November , an agreement was laboriously worked out to the effect that Zimbabwe would shortly gain its legal independence .
10 There was , however , one perfectly clear and simple condition which had to be fulfilled if any rational deduction was to be drawn as to the effect of abolition .
11 This is acutely ironic in the light of Kenneth Lewes 's recent argument to the effect that the psychoanalytic bias against male homosexuals derives from an initial gynaecophobic stance in psychoanalysis whereby ‘ the fear and denigration of women which hover at the perimeter of analytic discourse become displaced onto the theory of male homosexuality ’ .
12 Rutherford cites Lawrence 's own remark in The Seven Pillars of Wisdom to the effect that this identification ‘ quitted me of my English self , and let me look at the West and its conventions with new eyes : they destroyed it all for me ’ .
13 Stone does not go this far , although he can not resist quoting an Irish opponent of divorce during the referendum campaign of 1986 to the effect that ‘ a woman voting for divorce is like a turkey voting for Christmas ’ ( p. 420 ) .
14 On the one hand — and this is a point to which I shall return — there is a dual claim against Lukács ' evolutionism ( to the effect that different levels of a social formation are relatively autonomous : crudely , if bourgeois society is decadent this does not necessarily mean , as Lukács thought it did , that its art is too ) , and in favour of the possibility of being able to pass a positive ‘ aesthetic judgement ’ upon a particular work however questionable the general category under which it has been produced ( a position related to Brecht 's polemic against Lukács ) .
15 Callinicos concludes his book by invoking the memory of Benjamin to the effect that socialist revolution in the form of an irruption into history is the secular vehicle of a redemption hitherto conceivable only in mystic terms .
16 When the FA protested , they received a splendid rebuff to the effect that the PFA could not be expected ‘ to regard seriously the opinion that a football player forfeits a common legal right on entering into a professional engagement with a football club ’ .
17 As far as you could understand him , this was to the effect that since the Government was rejecting any suggestion that it was to blame for this scandal , since most of the alleged swindlers were difficult to bring to book , and since the investors who lost the money nearly all live in Tory marginals , then the one innocent party — the taxpayer — would foot the £150 million bill .
18 In another move which shows that the board intends to live up to the word ‘ control ’ in its title , it sent a message to the Dominion Theatre in Tottenham Court Road , where Frank Bruno is playing in Aladdin , to the effect that Bruno will not be able to rub his genie 's lamp and in a puff of smoke reappear in a world title fight .
19 George Underwood : David was always a bit over the top and he decided to write to John Bloom , a millionaire business , saying something to the effect ‘ Brian Epstein has got The Beatles but you can have us ’ , but Bloom was n't that interested and passed his letter to Les Conn , an agent . ’
20 Mary Finnigan : It was at this time , when David flew out to Malta , then not only were we organising the Arts Lab but a free open air festival in Beckenham , David , having flown out to the Maltese song festival had sent Angie a postcard saying something to the effect that he was going to be in Italy and why did n't Angie come and join him , which she did , leaving me to sort out both the folk club and the free festival organised for Beckenham Park the following Sunday . ’
21 Expert evidence was given to the effect that the chances of the child adjusting to a new life in Spain were very slim , and that failure to adjust would have very serious consequences on the child 's development .
22 The notice sometimes published in the papers to the effect that Mr Smith will no longer be liable for his wife 's debts has a much more limited operation than is generally supposed .
23 One authority on the evolution of the working-class quotes Friedrich Engels to the effect that ,
24 The famous Lisbon earthquake of 1755 , which had faint reverberations as far north as Scotland , led George II to issue a solemn admonition to his people to the effect that ‘ the manifold Sins and Wickedness of these Kingdoms have most justly deserved heavy and severe Punishments from the Hand of Heaven . ’
25 The third criticism is that the medical basis of the Infanticide Act 1938 is now discredited : the reference to the effect of lactation is without foundation , and it is acknowledged that the social pressures consequent upon the arrival of a new child ( such as financial demands , unsuitable housing , effects on family relationships ) may be just as likely to lead to the mental disturbance manifest in these cases as any condition linked specifically with the event of giving birth .
26 Although this precise reasoning is of doubtful relevance today , it contains the seeds of an argument to the effect that the public interest lies in having a society with fit and healthy citizens .
27 Kingsley Amis , who wrote an adventure for Bond as well as creating Jim Dixon , reflects aptly on the reasons for his : ‘ What happened was that we came in at the tail end of the literary tradition to the effect that no decent girl enjoys sex — only tarts were supposed to do that .
28 Mr Browning motioned his wife to be quiet and taking Wilson 's arm conducted her to the door , saying something to the effect that she must not give way to gloomy thoughts and that doubtless she was tired with a young baby still nursing and a house to run .
29 It is not enough to explain this , as some outsiders and many insiders did , by invoking some theory of social inertia , to the effect that Libyans still had a Bedouin mentality .
30 ‘ The passenger had his head out of the window and shouted abuse to the effect of ‘ I 'll get you this time ’ . ’
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