Example sentences of "the time direction " in BNC.

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1 The law therefore singles out the time direction of irreversible physical processes as the direction of increasing entropy .
2 In Euclidean space-time there is no difference between the time direction and directions in space .
3 On the other hand , in real space-time , in which events are labeled by ordinary , real values of the time coordinate , it is easy to tell the difference — the time direction at all points lies within the light cone , and space directions lie outside .
4 Because one is using Euclidean space-times , in which the time direction is on the same footing as directions in space , it is possible for space-time to be finite in extent and yet to have no singularities that formed a boundary or edge .
5 In the case considered the motion is transverse to OA , and so the curvature is that of the geodesic surface defined by the time direction and the spatial direction transverse to OA .
6 Usually we picture photons as transversely polarized ; however , photons can equally well be polarized in the time direction or longitudinally along their direction of motion .
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