Example sentences of "meant [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Also as usual , none of the shells survived the flood when the dam burst ; the ! all sank , which meant that everybody died .
2 The entire house was infested with mice which meant that everybody was in constant battle against their droppings and their smell .
3 Enthusiasm for the content of the materials — especially in lower primary classes — was still clearly evident and at state level there was considerable resolve to maintain aspects of the new curriculum and the closer supervision it entailed in at least some schools , despite the challenge of universal primary education which effectively meant that everyone had to try to do more with less .
4 This meant that everyone lived near to one another , and they copied each other exactly .
5 The geographical and social distribution of railway-workers meant that they were not as cohesive a force as other industrial groups like the steel- or textile-workers .
6 The tight links between journalists and the flourishing independent label scene , local entrepreneurs and key grass-roots venues meant that they all helped to form tastes rather than simply reacting to them .
7 Both Warnie and Minto were jealous of anyone who claimed Jack 's love ; this meant that they were bound to be jealous of one another , since for both of them Jack was the most important person in the universe .
8 There were no jobs for young people in rural areas ; rising property prices meant that they were unable to find housing in the villages in which they had grown up .
9 Government recognized that nurses did not take strike action and believed that it was right to have a system of pay determination which meant that they did not lose by that policy .
10 The fact that , unlike men , women 's periods of bodily emission followed a regular and extended ( i.e. several days at a time ) cycle meant that they were declared unclean for a large part of their lives ( for details see below ) .
11 That meant that they could not stand the Central Office youths involved in the nuts and bolts of the campaign .
12 As the season did not begin until Christmas , this meant that they would be away considerably longer than originally intended , and so permission for additional leave of absence was sought from the Archbishop .
13 The monks of the Middle Ages used to practise ‘ divine reading ’ , which meant that they expected their lives to be transformed as a result of what they read .
14 Furthermore , the idea the Egyptians had of an eternal and immutable world meant that they never imagined any evolution of social conditions .
15 This also meant that they could get away earlier at night after the show , as they did n't need to wait for the curtain .
16 What happened during the years between circa 1880 and 1920 , was the beginning of a process whereby young workers were admitted to the public domain : their newly-defined significance meant that they required a new role , but one which had to be carefully circumscribed .
17 The system of appointment coupled with effective nomination rights by some interests and local government meant that they were ‘ neither truly representative nor management ’ ( para 5.4 ) .
18 The Lollipop timetable of one night stands meant that they visited seventy-two venues in twelve weeks ; although they did not venture further than St. Louis , it was exhausting and afterwards they could remember very little about each town .
19 It was well beyond the range of the ‘ oboe ’ radar equipment and meant that they were wide open to fighter attacks as they approached the city .
20 Within a few hours , a team of very brave men descended into the crater and entered the workings where the disaster had begun ; the danger of further subsidence from the surface and the extremely unsafe condition of the underground workings meant that they were knowingly putting their lives at risk .
21 The barons were comparatively few in number ; the Church formally forbade them to marry their sixth cousins or any nearer relatives , and seriously attempted to enforce the prohibition on third cousins ; and even though they did not always accept this limitation , it meant that they looked far and wide in their own class for marriage alliances .
22 These changes meant that they needed to form a new covenant based on some understanding of their mutual fears , their tendency to split their feelings between them , and their need to respect each other 's yearnings and protests , now more readily experienced by each of them .
23 Eating less meat , which has a high salt content , meant that they needed to supplement their salt intake .
24 Cells grouping together in colonies meant that they could be replaced when they died , with the group as a whole surviving intact should any membrane wall of any individual member be accidentally punctured .
25 This meant that they had now gained a tremendous advantage over the reptiles , even causing the extinction of many of them .
26 I guess Jim meant that they were the first American string company to invent these strings .
27 When Mr John Guy , an orthopaedic surgeon at the Worcester Royal Infirmary , wrote to people on his waiting list to say that health authority cuts meant that they could not have their hip replacement operations , a patient passed a copy of his letter to Nicholas Ridley .
28 They missed the train connection in Glasgow which meant that they could not be at the hotel by seven o'clock .
29 Yet this meant that they also wanted to transcend the limitations of the Greek achievement in the light of the new faith .
30 Their solitary life meant that they were in the forefront of the new mystical spirit of the fourteenth century , and through The Ladder of Perfection Hilton helped them to graft the new spirituality onto the old Benedictine pieties .
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