Example sentences of "animals that have " in BNC.

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1 Animals that have carried their distinctive braided silks in the past include Most Welcome , Red Glow and Teenoso , the 1983 Derby winner .
2 • In rodents , rhythms continue to develop in animals that have been reared for several generations in constant conditions .
3 Since these results are obtained in animals that have been living in a normal environment , they mean that the clock originates , at least in these animals , from an abnormal ‘ internal ’ structure , the chromosome .
4 Resistant to flood , fire and drought they can provide a continuous supply of food for huge assemblies of animals that have become specially adapted to feeding on them .
5 The breeding males of a particular unit are all animals that have transferred into it from elsewhere .
6 Mammalian faunas on isolated continental fragments could evolve , at least for a time , separately from faunas in other parts of the world , producing a whole series of peculiar animals that have no direct relationships to animals with a similar mode of life elsewhere .
7 The only herds of the animals which now inhabit the area are derived from animals that have been successfully reintroduced since the late 1930s .
8 Supporters of the bill say that animals that have been kept as pets are too emotionally sensitive to be put in the hands of medical researchers .
9 He has had his problems , trying to manage animals that have no fear of his dogs and can clear I-5 m with a standing jump .
10 Is he a deity bearing off animals that have been sacrificed to him ?
11 So scorpion mating demands , for the first time among the animals that have appeared so far in this history , the ritualised safeguards and placations of courtship .
12 Electric Ecology looks at the surprising variety of plants and animals that have co colonized this land and that the efforts that are made to monitor and foster this wild life .
13 Animals can not make a living so simply , ; not being able to photosynthesize , they have to hunt for prepackaged food , either directly by eating plants or indirectly by eating the animals that have eaten the plants .
14 The tastiest lamb comes from animals that have been grazing , but are not yet fully grown — about 10 months old .
15 The actual animals that have ever lived on Earth are a tiny subset of the theoretical animals that could exist .
16 It is not obvious why this is , but it is so strikingly convergent among animals that have nothing else in common but their anteating habit , that it almost certainly is somehow related to this habit .
17 The world 's biggest wildlife hospital says it 's being overwhelmed with animals that have fallen victim to summer traffic .
18 The world 's biggest wildlife hospital says it 's being overwhelmed with animals that have fallen victim to summer traffic .
19 All animals that have been abandoned or rescued from unsuitable owners .
20 Of the 1,570 reported cases all but nine are positively linked to feed containing recycled ruminant tissue and seven of those are animals that have proved impossible to trace .
21 I mean it 's the individual animals that have these properties are the ones that survive .
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