Example sentences of "matters to be " in BNC.

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1 There appears to be no time-limit on the matters to be considered , so that not only the final act but a whole course of conduct may be taken into account .
2 Nothing would be a worse prescription for the future of the Community than for what are patently political matters to be left to the determination of the European Court , which is both unsuited and incapable of settling them .
3 The TGAT Reports made a number of detailed recommendations about matters to be considered by individual subject working groups .
4 Instead for many , many years there has been in Channel 4 a culture , which allowed you to expect these matters to be dealt with properly , without being made to feel that you were being perverse in raising the issue yet again or that you were making a point or a special case .
5 When the Government was newly formed it was perhaps natural for many matters to be discussed in Ministerial Committees which , with growing experience , should now be settled by the individual ministers concerned .
6 The UK disclosure requirements are imposed by the Financial Services Act ( which requires all material matters to be disclosed ) although the details are set out in the ‘ Admission of Securities to Listing ’ issued by the Stock Exchange .
7 You will pay special attention to preparation , being thoroughly familiar with the matters to be discussed .
8 Some members also believe that setting up a faculty would be tantamount to handing auditing on a plate to those critics of the profession who have called for auditing matters to be placed under independent control .
9 The Companies Act 1985 , as amended ( ‘ the Act' ) provides , both for individual company accounts and for group accounts , that if in special circumstances compliance with any of the provisions of the Act as to the matters to be included in a company 's accounts ( or notes thereto ) is inconsistent with the requirement to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs and profit or loss , the directors shall depart from that provision to the extent necessary to give a true and fair view .
10 Section 1 gives guidance on the form and content of auditors ' annual reports and comments on the principal matters to be taken into account in framing those reports .
11 The BMC , therefore , urges all climbers interested in Range West to note that there are still matters to be cleared up and if they wish to obtain a pass to climb legitimately within the Range , then they will have to attend the safety briefings which have been organised for their benefit .
12 There were matters to be discussed that were really quite urgent .
13 There is little scope for such matters to be controlled from within neighbourhoods by the people living within them .
14 Check the night shift log book for any messages or matters to be dealt with .
15 Before the brigade of receptionists change shift they must ensure that all work has been processed as far as possible and that any messages or matters to be dealt with are brought to the attention of the evening shift .
16 Their important characteristic is that they cut across the divisions of the formal structure and usually are very powerful if the matters to be communicated are formally confidential or affect the future of particular individuals .
17 Any other business allows matters to be raised which are not on the agenda .
18 The value of AOB is to allow urgent matters to be raised which can not wait until the next meeting .
19 A memorandum by Thomas Cromwell in 1533 of matters to be discussed with the King includes things to be said on the departure of the Bavarian ambassador , the interrogation of a friar named Reysbye , the treatment of certain other friars who had been in contact with Rome , the folding of cloth in the north of England , the offer made to the King by the executors of Lord Dacre of the South in an important test case , and the affairs of a reputed idiot named Ralph Francis .
20 At the far end of the century , in June 1596 , Lord Burghley drew up a note of matters to be considered by Queen and Council .
21 As the present case shows , however , there are other matters to be considered , the most important of which is proof : how is the identity of the accused to be established at trial in the absence of any out-of-court identification ?
22 The matters to be taken into account by an appeal committee in considering an appeal shall include — ( a ) any preference expressed by the appellant in respect of the child as mentioned in section 6 of this Act ; and ( b ) the arrangements for the admission of pupils published by the local education authority or the governors under section 8 of this Act . ’
23 Both logistically and procedurally it would be impossible for all four cases to be pursued to trial at the same time , and it was therefore natural for the Barclays ( Asia ) and West L.B. matters to be placed in relative suspense , whilst attention was concentrated on Carrian and B.M.F.L.
24 These are matters to be decided by the planning authority and , if necessary , the minister and should be subject only to judicial review .
25 As the argument developed , I understood him to submit that as the remedy sought by the plaintiff was itself an equitable one , talk of strict estoppel was inappropriate , and he was content to put forward the alleged assurance and other matters to be considered in the exercise of my discretion .
26 Despite all its fine sentiments , however , the main weakness in the guidance is its lack of clear operational advice on development plan policies and on the matters to be weighed in planning decisions .
27 The final design and location of the junction between the Outer City Bypass and the trunk road section of the Musselburgh Bypass are matters to be considered jointly by the Regional Council and the Scottish Development Department when finalising proposals for these schemes .
28 With any luck he would have disappeared by now , caught up in discussions with prospective clients , and by the time he found her she would be too involved in other matters to be cornered .
29 There are still matters to be agreed on the monetary union treaty , but in both cases we are making progress .
30 We seek to promote non-proliferation and disarmament , and that will be one of the matters to be discussed at the United Nations Security Council meeting that I shall chair next week .
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