Example sentences of "waiting for something " in BNC.

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1 They are all outside their houses , staring along the roads , waiting for something . ’
2 Watching him and waiting for something .
3 Day after day Charles sat waiting for something to happen , but nothing ever did .
4 They all seemed to be watching us and waiting for something spectacular to take place .
5 Mungo had a strong sensation that the dark cavity was waiting for something to happen .
6 ‘ When they become alarmed they go very quiet , waiting for something to happen so that they can run in the opposite direction .
7 It claimed that people feel more in control of their lives if they are inching forward on a journey , rather than waiting for something to happen .
8 In New York , Tel Aviv , Athens , at a big reception or among friends , taking a curtain call with his dancers , chatting to a stranger , even just waiting for something , he looks easy , interested , at home .
9 We went down into the station shelter and I experienced the familiar claustrophobic sensation of waiting for something to happen .
10 Marian was deep in thought but what she was thinking about she hardly knew : only that there was distance and stillness all around her and that the forest seemed to be watching her , and waiting for something to happen .
11 They had stayed while the sun went down and all the time Tom had lain watching and waiting for something to happen — for something was bound to happen , otherwise for what reason had they come ?
12 I used to sit in my living room with my mouth open , eyes raised to heaven waiting for something to happen to give me this new boldness and this ability to speak in tongues which seemed often to accompany the events in Acts .
13 ‘ It 's as if everyone is waiting for something , is n't it ? ’
14 All the children in the hall were watching tensely , waiting for something to happen .
15 Fifteen lonely years of waiting for something to think , of waiting to think something , of thinking of waiting , of thinking I 'll make myself a cheese sandwich , of waiting .
16 Alternatively , Ho may simply have been waiting for something to turn up , something that would tip the scales one way or the other in the situation that was neither peace nor war .
17 The three young people stood in a rather hostile and malodorous silence waiting for something to happen .
18 It was like waiting for something important to happen which has got to happen before life can go on .
19 His eyes kept looking away over one of my shoulders or the other , never meeting my gaze , and I got the impression that like his wife he was constantly waiting for something important to happen , expecting someone to arrive at any moment , as though they both could n't believe what had happened and it was all a dream or a ghastly joke and they were just waiting for Clare to come gangling through the front door , kicking off muddy green wellies and loudly demanding tea .
20 Still leaning against her side of his desk he watched her , waiting for something .
21 But the trees and the flowers all seemed to be waiting for something to happen .
22 I thought it was n't worth just sitting around waiting for something to happen and I had already arranged to go to my friend 's house so I went out .
23 Jimmy scanned the dripping windows , waiting for something hideous to crash through those vulnerable glass panes in an explosive maelstrom of glass and storm-driven wind and rain .
24 Waiting for something to happen .
25 A large spider 's web occupied one corner of the room near the ceiling and he could just make out the spider lurking there , quite motionless ; emulating Mr Micawber , waiting for something to turn up .
26 I feel now , erm just from talking to people , that there 's very much a feeling of er a torpor , erm a kind of hiatus of waiting for something to happen , waiting to be moved out , looking forward to that .
27 It was waiting for something to happen ; as she too was waiting for something to happen — something which must , at all costs , be forbidden .
28 It was waiting for something to happen ; as she too was waiting for something to happen — something which must , at all costs , be forbidden .
29 All he could say was that we were waiting for something to happen . ’
30 Waiting for something to ride to ; waiting , expecting
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