Example sentences of "germany had been " in BNC.

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1 In 1977 , at the time of the Bullock Committee on remoulding industrial relations , Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of West Germany had been brought in to instruct the Prime Minister , Callaghan , and Britain 's industrial leaders and trade unionists on the need to frame a new industrial climate as a basis for productive growth and a revived influence in the world .
2 After 1933 , Nazi propaganda , largely uncontested now that opponents within Germany had been silenced , could almost deify Hitler .
3 The many part-time farmers in Germany had been under the same economic pressures as their counterparts in the UK in recent years .
4 When the Weimar Republic was founded , the feeling that Germany had once again been suppressed by victorious external powers was very strong : the division of Prussia into East and West , the imposition of reparations ( the economic effects of which Keynes so famously and misguidedly attacked ) and the association of republicanism and parliamentarianism with defeat all fostered the belief that Germany had been stabbed in the back .
5 Unlike Britain and France , where profits were leaked abroad to colonial landholdings and estates , and where profits did not automatically become industrial investments , Germany had been forced to embark on a series of massive and successive re-investment programmes and re-equipment drives .
6 Saying that Germany as a whole has not yet bottomed out of recession and that recovery could come in 1994 at the earliest , the management board chairman of IBM Deutschland GmbH said that the government 's solidarity pact to help recovery in the depressed east of Germany had been over-valued — ‘ The pact received praise I do n't think it deserved ’ Hans-Olaf Henkel said .
7 The telecommunications business in Germany had been hit hard by the economic downturn there , pulling professional products and systems into a first quarter loss of $5m against a $72m profit a year ago .
8 Even if Germany had been willing to risk the assembly of major formations of ex-Soviet prisoners , Vlasov had no interest in these ethnically based units .
9 In response , President Jaruzelski of Poland declared that while he approved in principle the removal of Soviet forces from Poland , this should be deferred until agreement on a new European security system had been reached and specifically until the position of a united Germany had been clarified .
10 On Jan. 29 , however , Pöhl disclosed to a German financial newspaper , Handesblatt , that Germany had been isolated in its opposition to an accord on currency " target zones " at the G-7 meeting .
11 The US Army on Dec. 4 revealed that a US soldier serving in Germany had been sentenced to 34 years in prison after being convicted of spying for Iraq and Jordan during the Gulf War .
12 East and West Germany had been unable to agree on the issue of abortion before unification in 1990 .
13 But the Soviet Union in the 1950s was an even more formidable adversary than Hitler 's Germany had been .
14 A manifesto printed in Germany had been circulating in the western Ukraine .
15 Above all the future of West Germany had been settled to the advantage of Nato .
16 Two magazines have claimed that during the 1980s safety tests at three nuclear plants in West Germany had been manipulated .
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