Example sentences of "nor [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Nobody now needs to be , nor should be , vaccinated against smallpox .
2 In this case , as the sales information was neither a trade secret nor could be regarded as so confidential that it needed the same protection as a trade secret , the appeal failed .
3 " In regard Janet NcCalman charmer hath not constant place of residence nor could be found by several church officers .
4 " In regard Janet NcCalman charmer hath not constant place of residence nor could be found by several church officers .
5 Neither nor shall be obliged to bring proceedings against any such infringer but if , subject as provided in clause 9.1 , either party shall bring such proceedings the other agrees to execute such documents and do such things as may be necessary to assist in connection with such proceedings .
6 An alternate Director as such shall not ( save as aforesaid ) have power to act as a Director nor shall be deemed to be a Director for the purpose of these Articles .
7 An alternate Director as such shall not ( save as aforesaid ) have power to act as a Director nor shall be deemed to be a Director for the purpose of these Articles .
8 Also provided always that will not be obliged to assist with or take over the conduct of any proceedings which are principally based upon allegations of negligence , breach of contract , or other acts or omissions by , nor will be obliged to indemnify in the manner set out in this clause in relation to any such proceeding ;
9 Nor will be , in the tradition of the detective hero of old , keep the meaning of any discoveries to himself .
10 There 's no law anywhere in the land , nor will be until King Stephen is free and that woman packed off back to Anjou . ’
11 There neither is , nor can be , any general responsibility in managements not to alter prices , or if they alter them , only to lower them .
12 None of them is , nor can be , structured as to require that those in charge of enterprises in which people invest their working lives and expectations should account primarily and principally to them for the uses they make of those lives .
13 None is , nor can be , so structured as to ensure that the individual is not treated as a thing , as a commodity for use in the process of production or provision .
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