Example sentences of "due to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Family therapy Secondary onset day wetting ( excluding urinary tract infections ) is often due to emotional causes .
2 The child who shows stool retention and consequent constipation due to emotional disturbance will need this ‘ physical ’ approach to treatment plus additional therapy in the family .
3 The reason why this occurred er erm , the reason why this occurred was not due to some sort of er , due to emotional problems that he suffered within these repressed relations with his son .
4 Psychiatrist Dr Gerald Silverman runs kleptomania therapy groups ( for people who can not control their desires to steal ) , and claims most of his patients shoplift due to emotional worries or personal problems .
5 Simply by putting relatively isolated community groups together Highlander is able to convey a sense of purpose to these groups which springs from the confidence gained by the realisation that their problems are not confined to themselves , nor in most cases caused by any deficiency or fault of their own , but are rather due to outside forces of oppression which are also being used against other people in other communities .
6 However , this began to trail off towards the end of June due to outside distractions — Wimbledon tennis and International cricket .
7 Reports that almost one-third of volunteers for the army during the Boer War had to he rejected due to physical inadequacy ( too short or too thin ) or ill-health ( in many case due to flat feet or bad teeth but frequently also due to heart and lung trouble or other serious ailments ) were often exaggerated , but they strengthened such fears .
8 Indeed ‘ the whole piece is something of a dream ’ ( Hugo Young , The Guardian , 21 June 1988 ) , in which ‘ you could n't take a single thing seriously ’ ( according to Pearce ) because ‘ any resemblance between it and the world of 1988 is due to administrative oversight ’ ( Patrick Stoddart , The Sunday Times , 26 June 1988 ) .
9 The delays appear to have been due to administrative confusion and a lack of political will .
10 In mid-summer due to global warming your tanks are at a constant 90°F .
11 Norfolk County Council has proposed a ban on coastal developments which could be at risk from sea level rises due to global warming .
12 Under new guidelines issued by the UK 's Department of the Environment , local councils in Britain " the primary planning authorities " will have to take account of rising sea levels due to global warming when considering planning applications in low-lying areas .
13 Some of the world 's most important coastal cities face the prospect of disastrous flooding from a mixture of sea level rise due to global warming , and subsidence due to excessive development and groundwater drainage .
14 The rise is attributed to a combination of thermal expansion due to global warming , and the sinking of coastal land as a result of the rapid depletion of groundwater reserves by expanding urban areas .
15 In such a situation it is sometimes possible using very simple stimuli to dissociate the effects of stimulus-response compatibility from those due to eye-hand connections ( Berlucchi , Crea , Di Stefano and Tassinari , 1977 ) but the relevance of the different anatomical pathways in situations employing more complex stimuli is doubtful .
16 The main reasons are briefly described under the following headings : physical problems ; mental problems ; problems due to sensory impairment/loss .
17 Problems due to sensory impairment/loss
18 However , Lawrence and his colleagues caution that the lack of appearance of ‘ new long-stay ’ patients in the hospitals may have been due to geographical drift of such patients to other hospitals .
19 Fourth , and in some places a reversal of the previous trend , the number of hedgerow trees had either declined less rapidly or even started to increase ( apart from major losses due to Dutch Elm disease as in Warwickshire ) , and in particular the number of saplings had markedly increased .
20 However , it recognized that ‘ the changes in employers ’ practices are to some extent due to acute labour shortages , particularly in some industrial areas ' .
21 However , the mortality rate due to acute gastroenteritis was lower in vitamin-A-supplemented than in placebo clusters ( 0.66 [ 0.47–0.92 ] , p=0.02 ) ; mortality rates for all other causes except acute lower respiratory infections and malaria were also lower in vitamin A clusters , but not significantly so .
22 The mortality rate due to acute gastroenteritis was significantly lower in the vitamin A clusters than in the placebo clusters .
23 We have compared NIPPV with conventional treatment in patients admitted to hospital with ventilatory failure due to acute exacerbations of COAD .
24 He was discharged to Elton Hall Nursing Home , Elton , Stockton , where he died eight days later due to acute coronary deficiency .
25 Elevated blood pressure itself or antihypertensive therapy may result in an inappropriately high energy intake , and secondly obesity per se either due to metabolic changes or consequent upon an increased energy and possibly sodium intake with lack of exercise may predispose an individual to high blood pressure .
26 Faults in method need to be investigated and are usually due to inadequate contact time or use of a chemical outside the temperature range in which it operates efficiently or a combination of both .
27 Where failure is due to inadequate foundations , and where neither the cause nor the effect can be eliminated , then underpinning will stabilise the building and restore its use and value .
28 This was due to inadequate planning for maximum utilization of reserves , over-exploitation of existing mines , poor safety standards , lack of new exploration and poor equipment .
29 In another case investigators filmed a rabbit regaining consciousness during experimental surgery due to inadequate anaesthetic being administered .
30 This variation is due to inadequate and imperfect monitoring , but nevertheless indicates that the problem is immense .
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