Example sentences of "forward over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Interviewers and cameramen with slavering lips and wolfish grins ( all Americans are dogs ) press forward over a film set piled high with gaunt striped-pyjama 'd corpses .
2 As Major leaned forward over a desk , the backdrop of people walking in St James ' Park could have fooled anyone into thinking it was Number 10 .
3 Many theories have been put forward over the years as to its original purpose .
4 He leaned forward over the steering wheel to see his way through a deep pot-hole in the road .
5 Various fairly unscientific theories have been put forward over the years as to why and how it got there .
6 Graeme 's other option is to move his back foot back and across towards the off stump , but at the same time keeping his head forward over the perpendicular with the front knee .
7 George locked the baggage car door behind us and we stood again in the quiet horse car which looked homely and friendly with the horses ' heads poking forward over the doors .
8 As Eva started to take London , moving forward over the foreign fields of Islington , Chiswick and Wandsworth inch by inch , party by party , contact by contact , Dad thoroughly enjoyed himself .
9 ‘ But … but — ’ Mr Beecham leant forward over the desk now , his hand on the blotter in line with that of Joe 's , and he said two words : ‘ Your mother ? ’
10 The hair was brushed forward over the crown and textured in the fringe by Scissors
11 When a pilot activates his reversers , he also pours on the power to create reverse thrust , to have the blast from the jet engine going forward over the wings instead of backwards .
12 USL also says UC Berkeley rebuffed every proposal it put forward over the last few months to resolve the dispute without recourse to litigation .
13 She brushed aside a wisp of hair which had slipped down over her face and smiled placatingly at the florid-faced docker leaning forward over the tea-stained counter .
14 As body weight is transferred back to the centre of the machine , lifting the bike still further , the rider heaves himself forward over the front .
15 More sepoys poured forward over the bodies of their fellows and a number of the defenders who had lingered too long hammering nails into the vents of the cannons were cut down as they tried to make their way back to the shelter of the buildings ; many more would have perished had not a small rescuing party which included Rayne , Fleury , half a dozen Sikhs and a couple of Eurasian clerks , wielding sabres and bayonets , surged forward in a sudden counter-attack to surround their companions and drag them back .
16 As he trotted his horse forward over the intervening space Lieutenant Stapleton noticed two giant white faces smiling at him with understanding and compassion .
17 As they crept slowly forward over the plain his eyes searched for those tiny villages made of mud with their bamboo groves and their ponds ; and though the plain was perfectly flat the villages were somehow hidden in its folds , blending with it .
18 She felt all right now and when Tucker came as close as he could to her , confidentially crooking his finger , she was only too pleased to lean precariously forward over the dock , ear to his lips .
19 Cissie was kneeling on the rug , her back to the fire and her slim body bent forward over the bath .
20 ‘ Bend forward over the table , young woman , and grasp the far edge . ’
21 Mrs Wallington 's tight face relaxed a little as David leaned forward over the criss-crossed string that her hands held taut between them .
22 Rory leaned forward over the table , closer to his brother .
23 Blufton laughed , revealing a line of white teeth , regular except for the two upper canines which had grown forward over the teeth in front .
24 As I stumbled forward over the black earth , between borders of sooty rhododendrons and tired grass , I just could n't believe it .
25 In spilling breakers the crest spills down the front of the wave without the wave front becoming vertical and surges forward over the beach .
26 If an assailant had struck from behind , he would have toppled forward over the rail .
27 We must remember , however , that just as all the alpine chains of Europe are now known to have been still pushing forward over the molasse in late Miocene times , so in places such as the Apennines , movements were still going on as late as Quaternary times .
28 Isabelle nudges him and his head falls forward over the coffee table , tips of his hair brushing against the largest lump of heroin .
29 He bowed forward over the table .
30 Erm in connection with erm with reference to the York area housing strategy , again , there is a simple explanation , in that that that document was prepared before the current work on the City of York draft local plan , had progressed to a stage at which members had considered housing sites , and a number of sites in City Council ownership erm within the city , covering some four hundred dwellings have now been agreed by the City Council members as coming forward over the planned period for affordable housing , and in the case of two of those sites it actually requires sites to be taken out of use as public car parks , to bring them forward for development , and that is why the eleven hundred figure is actually reduced now to a seven hundred .
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