Example sentences of "according [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While the experts knew that the status of the atomic theory and of facts and laws was uncertain , those learning elementary science absorbed a world-picture in which unchanging atoms of matter moved according to deterministic laws , in which useful knowledge was paramount , and in which problems could be solved by the almost-mechanical application of scientific method , which was really organized common sense .
2 In this telephone conversation the receptionist tactfully ascertained the nature of the call , realised that it could be dealt with without bothering a busy manager , dealt with the matter according to established policy and reassured the caller .
3 Recognizing that people do act according to established beliefs and pre-existing knowledge systems , he focuses upon distinguishing between the establishment of those beliefs ( which he calls ‘ ideologies ’ ) and action in accordance with those beliefs .
4 For the portrait of her novelist friend is just as much posed according to established iconographic formulae , those for representing ‘ meditation ’ which is related to ‘ invention ’ the intellectual component of the art making process .
5 Atypical acinar cell foci were identified histologically and classified as acidophilic or basophilic according to established criteria .
6 All patients underwent ultrasonographic evaluation and portal hypertension was assessed according to established crieria , including an enlarged portal vein , absence of variations with respiratory movements , splenomegaly , portal venous collaterals , recanalisation of the umbilical vein , and detection of hepatofugal flow with a real time/Doppler system .
7 According to seasoned players in the industry , there are several ways that the venture capitalist can add value for the manager : City introductions ; the conservatism and inherent financial disciplines the investor imposes ; and scouting for acquisition opportunities .
8 Not so , according to elated opponents of nuclear power .
9 The new varieties and modern techniques that she and other growers use have certainly taken the anxiety out of apple growing , a subject wreathed in mystery , according to traditional literature .
10 Cleaning the beat meant fitting each new situation into past patterns , trying to handle them according to traditional recipes .
11 I am by training and profession an historian ; my role has been to collect these documents , to present and elucidate them , to attempt to show their meaning and limitations , according to traditional historical methods .
12 According to traditional views this takes place in the next der of visual areas .
13 The results of these measures will for some time be inconclusive , if only because parties to an experiment must still depend on the larger part of the economy which continues to operate according to traditional principles .
14 From this elaborate rationalisation , Simon Peter derives a new impetus , a new inspiration which enables him to continue his preaching and — according to traditional accounts — to go bravely to his martyrdom .
15 Indeed , according to traditional scientific thought , not only does nature not know best ( science does ) , but it is blind , fickle , and must be ‘ vexed ’ , as Francis Bacon put it — rigorously put to the test in controlled experimental conditions — to make it reveal its secrets .
16 It suddenly occurred to me that just as I wanted the boys to dress according to Western ideas when they were in London , so the Sheikha and Sheikha Grandmother would like me to dress according to their ideas of fashion when I was with them .
17 Stalin , as a Communist , did not accept the American definition of ‘ democracy ’ nor could he welcome a global security and commercial system defined according to Western values .
18 Some 15,000 protesters were involved , according to Western press reports , 200 of whom were detained .
19 Nations concerned with it , the World Health Organization ( WHO ) spreads the gospel according to Western psychiatry .
20 Foreign debt to non-socialist countries was US$20,600 million ( a higher per capita debt than Poland 's , according to western reports ) .
21 According to Western press reports , he was reminded sternly of earlier Chinese warnings about the " subversive activities " of some Hong Kong citizens .
22 The oasis towns of Kashgar , Khotan and Aksu were closed to foreigners while troops were sent into the area to suppress the rebellion , according to Western press reports .
23 According to Western reports , officials in Xinjiang had acknowledged the impact of rising nationalist sentiment across the border in the Soviet Union .
24 According to Western press reports five people were killed and 200 injured as riot police tried to quell disturbances in Dhaka .
25 If foreign and domestic borrowing was excluded from revenue , the deficit was 50,900 million yuan , according to Western analysts ( US$1.00=5.3064 yuan as at March 25 , 1991 ) .
26 According to Western media reports , the meeting agreed in principle to allow the SOC to retain some of its armed forces during the period prior to elections .
27 According to Western reports , during the first months of 1990 the Khmers Rouges increased their infiltration of fighters and supplies from their border camps into Cambodia proper .
28 On Feb. 12 Farah Aydid had ordered a major attack on his rival 's strongholds in the north of the capital , leaving 16 people dead and 142 injured in only two hours of fighting , according to Western aid workers .
29 Attempts by the Iraqi government of President Saddam Hussein to destroy the way of life of the Ma'dan or Marsh Arabs will also obliterate the largest wetland ecosystem in the Middle East , according to western observers .
30 The reality of Cook 's visit came to be understood through a relation of the practical reference ( the ships arriving ) and the cultural sense ( what the ships ' arrival meant according to existing categories for interpreting experience ) .
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