Example sentences of "changes that have " in BNC.

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1 Mr Mitterrand , who will visit the southern city of Leipzig today , said on television he was looking forward to his talks with East Germany 's new leaders after the extraordinary changes that had taken place in the country .
2 A later chapter will examine the changes that had been introduced in the examination system , but for the dominant minority in grammar-school sixth forms very little had changed .
3 Most heads could identify changes that had led to a more balanced or improved curriculum , either as a result of the purchase of additional facilities or due to a change in curriculum planning .
4 The therapist pointed out that the changes that had taken place in her life were the result of her having discussed her problems with her family and having taken the necessary steps to solve them .
5 The Brett-Jones Report , eleven years later , reiterated and reinforced the principal points of the Wells and Eve Reports , and recognised the enormous changes that had occurred in the intervening years .
6 In September 1956 liturgical leaders , including six cardinals and 800 bishops , came together in Assisi to express their gratitude to the pope for all the changes that had been brought about in the liturgy during his pontificate .
7 Great efforts would be needed to restore the party to its strong position of 1914 and to carry on with the fundamental changes that had been under way then , but the war years had done no lasting damage .
8 The dramatic shake-ups during those periods do not suddenly appear out of nowhere but should be seen as resulting from the more gradual and less fundamental changes that had been occurring within the old structure 's context over previous decades .
9 In general , the Fulton Committee 's critique was overdone in that it was attacking a caricature of the service which was never wholly true , and certainly underestimated the changes that had taken place since the late 1950s .
10 On his return , Williams could now see for himself the changes that had taken place in the social and political structure of Trinidad and Tobago during his absence .
11 Erm but , but the stewards were told that er er with all the changes that had been implemented , that our members were n't satisfied .
12 On the questionnaire , we exhaustively listed the kinds of changes that had occurred in the case study schools and in the schools which we had earlier visited , and asked teachers whether any of these had occurred in their school .
13 When finished , the display unit fulfilled its role to reflect a quality image , a necessary advantage in an overcrowded market and one evidently appreciated by the showroom manager with whom Eddie discussed the changes that had been made .
14 The old agrarian basis of the economy survived well into the Georgian era but the enormous growth of population made a new form of local society unavoidable and the Enclosure Award of 1766 put the final seal of approval on changes that had long been underway .
15 Many of the proposals in WFP reinforced changes that had already begun , such as resource management and medical audit , and were broadly welcomed .
16 The poor second half performance , however , masks the changes that have been made at Lincat , which is now placed to deliver more acceptable returns .
17 A glance around the accommodation reveals much to indicate the changes that have evolved in the training of recruits for the Division and the Army as a whole .
18 Although writers and writing are the subjects of most of these essays , the themes they present are essential to understanding both the extraordinary political changes that have swept through Eastern Europe , and the human condition under communism .
19 Tempting as it is , the idea of free markets as casinos or slave-masters sits uncomfortably with many of the other big changes that have swept over international finance .
20 Nonetheless an effort has been made in the final chapter to draw some conclusions about the contemporary impact of changes that have occurred .
21 To maintain motivation and strengthen will-power you can use simple , practical aids to monitor progress and highlight the changes that have happened while you have been losing weight .
22 These various gases — carbon dioxide , oxides of sulphur and nitrogen , ammonia , methane , and CFCs — pumped out from domestic fires , cars , industry and agriculture , are leading to atmospheric changes that have profound ecological consequences .
23 Changes that have taken place in the Highland Zapotec region of Oaxaca , Mexico , are a good example .
24 Chapters 5 and 6 have discussed the changes that have been taking place in rural and urban areas and the effects these have had on social structure , poverty and inequality .
25 The changes that have been taking place in Latin America and the economic growth that the region has experienced have not brought about any redistribution of income in favour of the low-income groups , the trend has been if anything slightly towards a greater polarisation of wealth .
26 Whatever the support or not for these values , the book fails to recognize the wider changes that have gone on in the family and in gender relations , changes which may be quite separate in origin from the question of poverty , although they add to the poverty of women and children .
27 Describes the great changes that have come over this locality in the course of a few years .
28 In the former , which regularly reach media headlines because of famine , the major environmental changes that have occurred are soil erosion , desertification and salinisation .
29 At a more local level , Barker and McGregor ( 1988 ) have examined the landscape changes that have occurred in the Yallahs basin , a drainage basin of 180 km situated in the Blue Mountains northeast of Kingston , Jamaica 's capital .
30 Not all of the environmental changes that have occurred in the recent past are due to the impact of industry and agriculture .
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