Example sentences of "until such time " in BNC.

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1 But sometimes if we 've got the wrong fuse in it wo n't blow and it will continue to feed the electric current through to the heater or whatever piece of electrical apparatus it is , until such times as we have a fire situation .
2 Er maybe heating rivets or putting in rivets , until such times as er you were deemed fit to become a member in apprentice squad .
3 And erm that would carry on until such times as when the foreman or whoever would deem them fit to be a squad that could carry out er a heavier job if you want put it that way , where they would progress on to heavier plates etcetera , and do watertight work .
4 So we 're looking at it first , I I think in the end , there are schemes that we 've got to put on to the back burner , or the , until such times Lincoln develops further , and there is further development .
5 the window size or the kitchen size or the bathroom size , they ca n't price things out until such times as they 've sat down face to face with client .
6 The bank finally agreed to loan sixteen thousand pounds for the business plus overdraught facilities and a further nine thousand pounds secured on our client 's home repayable over five years , any further mortgage over a future was to be arranged elsewhere and my Lord er will hear that in fact the , having the sale of their home having been completed on the fifth of December the plaintiffs were then homeless for some three months living with their daughter until such times as they were able to arrange a mortgage on their present property with the Halifax .
7 Until such times as they can do this , Her Majesty 's Government should get on with the task of governing Northern Ireland in a positive fashion , including the alternative means of returning powers to locally-elected representatives . ’
8 Banks participating in the deal agree to sell bonds only at , or above , the stated issue price until such time as Morgan Stanley considers appropriate .
9 Where politicians have challenged him , he has outmanoeuvred them until such time as he perceived his work to be done ; and then — Vienna 1964 , Berlin 1989 — he simply and quickly stepped aside to move on to fresh projects .
10 HOWEVER confident we pretend to be that the Conservatives will be returned with a majority of at least 25 , we must accept the possibility that this gesticulating Welsh oaf will hold centre-stage until such time as the economy , public order and constitution collapse about his ears .
11 It is little known that poll tax collectors not only have the authority to arrest those they suspect of defaulting on poll tax and strip them naked for the purposes of search ( without any obligation to mend or replace clothing which is destroyed in the process ) , but they can also apply torture in cases where they have reason to believe poll tax is being withheld — at any rate until such time as the defaulters reveal where their money is hidden .
12 The court had taken Harvey away from his father and put him in the foster home ‘ until such time as the father can control his drinking and make a safe home for the boy . ’
13 It is evident that he did live there in his later years as the Minutes of 1771 agree to provide his successor with lodgings in Chelsea , ‘ until such time as Mr. Miller has quit his apartments in the greenhouse ’ .
14 The Poles are une nation foutue who can only continue to serve a purpose until such time as Russia herself becomes caught up into the agrarian revolution .
15 Also , on a more mundane level , there was the postponement of any financial debts then owing until such time as they returned from the crusade .
16 His view of a science was twofold : first , its propositions should be conclusively refutable , and therefore capable of being asserted as facts until such time as they are refuted ; secondly , it should be useful .
17 If you have paid six full years ' contributions before you cease payments , the Society will make your policy paid-up , leaving the units purchased to remain invested until such time you make a request to encash them .
18 He told me not to open my mouth to either of you and Una until such time when he would tell all three of you himself .
19 The information needs would be identified by taking the model through various stages of decomposition until such time as it is possible to define the information requirements of each activity that contributes to the transformation .
20 As a final point it is worth reiterating that , although it takes a lot of time and intellectual effort to derive an acceptable information model using the MINSE approach , the model is independent of the actual form that the information takes in the real situation , and will remain valid until such time as the role of the organisation undergoes a fundamental change .
21 The activities are then decomposed until such time as the related resources ( eg people , time , money , skills etc ) which need to be committed to the procedure can be clarified .
22 ‘ I instruct my daughter out of concern for her safety that until such time as she raises children she should make no will : in this way she will be able to live without danger . ’
23 The testator allows for the fact that his daughter will want to benefit her own children if she has any , and therefore restricts his limitation until such time as they are born .
24 The picture of the fuel cycle now emerging at the inquiry suggests that large quantities of spent fuel from nuclear power stations are going to have to be stored three times : first underwater in ponds at each power station ; secondly , at the new repository , and thirdly , after reprocessing — until such time as the British government decides how to dispose of high level nuclear waste .
25 This allows the company to use its own assets as the security for credit but retain the ability to deal with those assets itself as it wishes until such time as the creditor takes steps to enforce his security .
26 It follows that such noisy groups of youngsters whether in canoes , on cycles or on foot , need to be broken down into smaller groups each controlled by a responsible competent leader or instructor until such time as they become mature canoeists and are able to appreciate the magic and wonder of their surroundings .
27 Until such time as the long overdue rationalization of obscenity and indecency legislation takes place the Association 's resolve can not be measured , but some sustained lobbying on the idiosyncrasies of censorship law would not be amiss .
28 The wood was loosely stacked to provide the rabbits with temporary cover until such time as they enlarged the burrows themselves .
29 The leaves and small fragments of the sugar beet or swede are of obvious value until such time as the field is deep-ploughed and the remaining food buried beyond retrieval .
30 Night shooting , usually with a .22 rifle or shotgun , comes into its own after harvest and continues until such time as the winter-sown corn has grown too tall for the rabbits to be seen .
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