Example sentences of "hands [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 Dr Neil bent down to take the bloom from her , and as their hands met his heart gave a great lurch .
2 The second tough was aiming his little pistol at me , using both hands to steady his aim — he had had sense enough not to fire when running and waste his one shot .
3 Hands clapped his back or held his hand or touched his shoulder briefly .
4 Hector reached out his hands to find his uncle .
5 Tiny hands stroked his arms and began to explore his outer pockets .
6 With a sigh of utter defeat and utter pleasure , he accepted her mouth and her hands returning his gifts to him .
7 ‘ I did not help matters , ’ he acknowledged tightly , his hands cradling his coffee .
8 Her hands massaged his testicles and fondled the shaft of his risen pole , while she covered his chest and belly with a flurry of butterfly kisses .
9 Her hands grasped his back , and she could feel it wet with a thin film of perspiration .
10 ‘ My love , ’ she said , her dark eyes wide , aroused , her fine , small hands caressing his neck .
11 Jenna said nothing but her fingers began to unfasten his shirt , her hands caressing his skin , and soon he was in no doubt about her feelings .
12 With a little sigh , she slid her arms up and around his neck , her hands caressing his nape , allowing him to pull her hard up against the delightful seduction of his manhood .
13 He cried out then , in some species of unutterable agony , and she felt him move to cover her , while his hands signalled his purpose to her eager limbs .
14 His voice teased , but there was an undertone of urgent desire which the light words could n't quite conceal , and Kate smiled as she allowed her hands to explore his nakedness .
15 Sally-Anne closed her eyes , opened them to see him lift his hands to cover his face , his head bent , shoulders bowed , his world in ruins about him .
16 He almost lost it as he came to rest , but at the last moment he twisted onto his back and with both hands pressed his prize thankfully against his frilled inside shirt front .
17 A man on horseback was circling the water , the reins slack in his hands to let his mount go at an idle walk .
18 Li Shai Tung stood there , bare-headed , a bright blue quilted jacket pulled loosely about his shoulders against the morning 's freshness , one foot slightly before the other , his arms crossed across his chest , his hands holding his shoulders .
19 His face and his hands indicate his incredulity .
20 ‘ And me , ’ comes the chorus , as several chubby , grubby hands smooth his back .
21 His hands covered his face until he brought them into fists in front of him , in the way he often did , then he opened his arms along the length of me ; his palms warm , close , without touching , cruised first my shoulder , then the weight of my breast under my hair , my hip , my stomach .
22 He was on his knees outside the door of the flat with his hands encircling his head , making howling noises , ’ he said .
23 Father Poole noticed his hands gripping his knees , the whites of the knuckles showing .
24 In one movement Rincewind unrolled and bounced up in front of the little man , his hands gripping his shoulders desperately .
25 And then she gazed up at him , her hands gripping his shoulders and absorbed the incredible feeling of having him inside her .
26 Rolling and scrambling to his feet , Trent charged blindly across the clearing and into the undergrowth , holding up his bound hands to protect his eyes .
27 He rushed towards her so violently that Miss Fogerty put out her hands to grasp his shoulders before he should butt her to the ground .
28 We do not see his face , but we see her hands clutching his head .
29 ‘ I do n't want to think about anything but this , ’ Cora-Beth murmured as her hands caressed his shoulders and moved down his body until , with a little gasp , she held his in her cupped hands .
30 Her hands caressed his cheek , brushed his beard , and he froze .
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