Example sentences of "terms [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Once upon a time Camille would have dipped her oar in here : she would have turned on Brian for attacking her mother or chided her mother in no uncertain terms for being a drunken slut .
2 So we are talking in general terms about being willing to share our time , energy , space and care , particularly with people who have been recently bereaved through some major form of loss , maybe for a shod period of time while they readjust , maybe for a long time as the person or people involved learn to face life 's vicissitudes alone .
3 In the case of carers who have their own children this is easier to see than for the classic ( and disappearing ) case of the single daughter who was presumed to be childless ; although in that case the assumption in the past was that the single daughter would be rewarded in material terms through being the major beneficiary of her parents ' will , if they had money or property to bequeath .
4 The postponed Val d'Isere and Saalbach downhills will be staged as early as possible in the New Year : low-level Garmisch will be the first notional beneficiary , but people are already talking in terms of Are , Sweden , in March .
5 I thought a woman who was a little older and starting to feel a little out of it in terms of being attractive — had the sensuality but was losing it — might be more ambivalent about being raped .
6 ‘ He was the most generous person that I have ever met in terms of being prepared to share his ideas , his contacts , his know-how , ’ said Peter Wyman , chairman of the Institute 's Tax Faculty .
7 ‘ I never felt I was at any risk and in terms of being brave I never even considered it . ’
8 He was the powerful one , in terms of being a Cabinet minister , and that was the main thing that attracted her . ’
9 The aim is to make something people can instantly get excited about but which also stands up to close analysis in terms of being musically interesting and having some kind of content and meaning … ’
10 Girls choosing science are not particularly emotionally reticent or rigid in their thinking , although they do seem to have low self-esteem in terms of being socially and sexually attractive .
11 In the late 1980s we can review the situation in my two localities in terms of being ‘ after the planners ’ , because the Hailsham programme consisted of planned accommodation with social change in the name of modernization and social progress .
12 This similarity should caution against making too firm a distinction between the three ; for example one might have sought to make distinctions in terms of being instances of either ‘ new ’ or ‘ old ’ racism , especially on the grounds that new racists , unlike old racists , will justify their position by citing non-racial general principles ( Sniderman and Tetlock , 1986a , 1986b ; see also Potter and Wetherell , 1987 , for arguments against deducing ‘ true ’ attitudes from discourse ) .
13 Some felt that they were viewed in terms of being disabled while others mentioned that their tutors lacked confidence in them .
14 And that was my problem with it was that I was in much in terms of being able to go into the classroom an and talk to the kids and have a really good relationship with the teachers and things .
15 It should be flexible : not in terms of changing.to meet the inputs but in terms of being broad enough to channel different inputs in the required direction .
16 And that 's not to say that they replace triggers , because they are actually have a very important role to play in terms of being able to er maintain arbitrary business rules and model the way your organization works , inside the database repository .
17 Those candidates exercise their freedoms and I defend those freedoms — If the freedoms which Conservative Members say they want to uphold were so widespread , they would not only define freedom in terms of the power to own shares in a company but would seek to defend it in terms of being able to get a job in that company , in a country with getting on for 2.5 million unemployed .
18 ( a ) The meaning of description If goods sold by description are defined in terms of being identified or earmarked , then in the case of a contract for the sale of specific goods , non-correspondence with description ought logically to be impossible since s61(1) of SGA 1979 defines " specific goods " as including those identified and agreed upon at the time of the contract of sale .
19 It 's been accepted that these are credit arrangements under the local government Planning and Land Act , so therefore , it is not unreasonable to argue that borrowing will not represent a new departure for the County Council in terms of being able to control capital spending .
20 In terms of being in the area where people want to live .
21 Because you keep it all inside it against you , you begin to feel bad about yourself you begin to lose your self esteem erm you know and that 's the most dangerous thing about being bullied in terms of being at school or whether it 's even at work and being submissive is withdraw internalise and to take it out on yourself .
22 I think the government , and John by the way has been superb to us , in terms of being willing to come along , and help us do the work we 're doing , and I 'm , I believe the government has a great interest in this field .
23 It 's difficult , though , because if you talk to adolescent boys in schools they 're violently opposed to women 's liberation , they hate the name women 's liberation , because they 're very defensive perhaps about their own masculinity at that age , and their own masculinity is defined very much in terms of being superior to girls and having mums who wait on them at home .
24 It 's difficult , though , because if you talk to adolescent boys in schools they are violently opposed to women 's liberation , or they hate the name women 's liberation , because they are very defensive perhaps about their own masculinity at that age , and their own masculinity is defined very much in terms of being superior to girls and having mums who wait on them at home , so it 's difficult to challenge that kind of supposition at that age .
25 What Morrissey still ca n't come to terms with is that now , for some strange reason , hordes of people profess to have fallen in love with him and previous to the band , he often states , no girl ever even took him into consideration .
26 Tt er and i in a sense there 's kind of been an upward trend in terms of progression through that , that reform but within that there have obviously been a number of and in a sense what we 've been coming to terms with is , is what has been causing those , those variations , those changes in that policy .
27 ‘ He has finally come to terms with being a United player . ’
28 Once the early shock is over , if girls have come to terms with being pregnant , there are a lot of enjoyable things about it , as many girls have found .
29 The bloody girl was in Bali , hiding , and trying to come to terms with being exposed in the News of the World .
30 I always say that there are planetillions of humans in this galaxy who have n't even come to terms with being sapiens .
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