Example sentences of "available to [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In litigation and arbitration , the amount of the costs is subject to the control of the court 's " taxation " procedures , which are made available to arbitrations by s18(2) of the Arbitration Act 1950 , but can not be made available for expert determinations by any means , including a provision to that effect in the expert clause .
2 • The WCC of the RSC has produced Career break and beyond , a booklet that explains the options available to women , and in October 1991 ran a symposium entitled Chemistry — attracting girls , retaining women .
3 Various types of part-time work , job sharing and other flexible arrangements are becoming available to women and to a lesser extent , to men .
4 Robbins also related to the upskilling debate — the expansion of education and the high birth rate of the immediate post-war period , for example , had given rise to a shortage of qualified teachers especially in primary schools , and changes in the numbers of white-collar jobs available to women had also given rise to a demand for better qualified and certificated female labour .
5 Biological explanations of fertility based on principles of maximizing a broadly defined reproductive success ( Wilson 1975 ) have been useful in non-human species and have been applied to human populations with natural fertility ( Borgerhoff-Mulder 1987 ) , in an attempt to relate reproductive success with the resources available to women .
6 In some zones , abortion facilities are made available to women combatants :
7 Occupational pension providers were more interested in improving the benefits available to women as widows , rather than as scheme members in their own right .
8 It will only be available to women in the first nine weeks of pregnancy ( that 's the only licence for which the makers have asked ) , so not all women who could benefit from it will do so .
9 Given the resources available to men ( 99 percent of the world 's resources ) and the few available to women , and given the institution of male power in every dimension of the education system — grounded deep in the structures , the language and the social context of every exchange — it is unrealistic to imagine that individual women , men of good will , or students , however energetic , resourceful and determined , can change things single handed .
10 On reflection I feel that the advantages are only available to women of a certain class .
11 He also failed to acknowledge that there are other forms of child care which should form a list of options available to women to enable them to combine their home and work responsibilities .
12 These data will then be supplemented with material from sources in order to examine the movements of and employment opportunities available to women at different stages in the life-cycle .
13 The Triple , as the test is known , is currently only available to women over 37 years old , but around 2,000 younger women will now be able to take advantage of it .
14 Child benefit is the only benefit which is in fact available to women , even then the government tried a few years ago to change that and to make it paid to the man .
15 And the client software provides access to mainframe batch , Multi Access Computing and TP sessions on other VME machines so making the system available to machines not running the service .
16 Here , too , the cassava variety is the result of breeding work at IITA which has been available to farmers since 1978 .
17 Equally , social costs are not restricted to the cash outlays of a project but also include any other undesirable side effects ; for example , the siting of a dam will displace land that would otherwise be available to farmers , wildlife , country ramblers and so on .
18 To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what increase in financial support is available to farmers in less-favoured areas for 1992 ; and if he will make a statement .
19 To ask the Minister of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food what specific grants are available to farmers to encourage the adoption of environmentally sound practices on agriculture .
20 Will my right hon. Friend , in his role as David against the EC Goliath , do his best to increase the grants available to farmers , so that , if they practise green policies , they will get their rewards ?
21 But the increase in incomes was not matched by a similar increase in the cash becoming available to farmers .
22 The cash available to farmers and their spouses was put at £188m ; nearer to £7,500 per farm , or about 17pc less .
23 Mr Gummer said : ‘ The proposals complement the range of environmental incentives already available to farmers and reflect the Government 's continuing commitment to caring for the countryside and to integrating environmental objectives into agricultural policy . ’
24 The Minister announced increased anti-pollution grants available to farmers , but would n't be drawn on their likely success .
25 So for this year I made the computerisation funds part of the wider fund available to FHSAs to support not merely computerisation but the extension of ancillary staff in general practice and the development of new accommodation facilities for primary health care .
26 It also maintains a list of off-campus accommodation available to students in lodgings , flats and houses .
27 This service is also available to students at the Belfast campus .
28 The Student Services Department administers the Access Fund which is available to students normally resident in the United Kingdom to assist in access to higher education and continuation of studies .
29 An interest-free loan fund is also available to students who find themselves in unforeseen financial difficulty .
30 Medical Research Council ( MRC ) awards are available to students from Northern Ireland as well as those from other parts of the UK .
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