Example sentences of "problems to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Puzzling pines and poorly potatoes are just a couple of the problems to be solved by our team of BBC experts this month
2 However , this approach has too many problems to be appealing .
3 In other words , two forces operate to raise the problems to be discussed : first , the natural desire to avoid awkward , embarrassing , or unmanageable social situations , situations which challenge the perception of the new role ; and second , the almost perverse and in a way contradictory claim to be accepted totally and without reservation .
4 It would involve the abandonment of rigid conceptualism : the rejection , in other words , of a formal mechanical set of criteria adding up to the concept of adultery which allows hard problems to be solved with apparent ease by simply referring to a formula without examining the deeper issues of justice involved in the case .
5 There are , in fact , at least two separate problems to be solved , both of them enormously difficult .
6 Five years under Deng Xiaoping appears to have started the mighty machine rolling in the right direction again but , in energy terms there are a number of problems to be overcome which are mainly to do with lack of adequate capital investment and resources management .
7 This brief summary of the McClellan system has indicated the main factors involved in stock logistics , and the types of problems to be overcome .
8 There are a number of problems to be found in the attempts to explain the low level of female crime as being due to physical or mental maladjustment .
9 Although there are still a number of problems to be solved , in contrast to the difficulties of comparing data reported for different spatial units , these aspects of data integration are fairly well developed and understood .
10 There are important analytical problems to be addressed concerning the siting of such monitoring equipment and these are elaborated on later .
11 The depth and complexity of problems to be overcome begin to be apparent .
12 Since the conductivity is very low , precise techniques would need to be developed for its measurement , which may present very difficult problems to be overcome , but the research programme would be complete once the relevant information had been obtained .
13 Honest discussion is needed about the new demands and problems to be faced .
14 ‘ There may be questions to be asked and problems to be solved concerning the implementation of this programme .
15 The value of visiting rather than just corresponding with the Social Security Office when a relative dies can not be emphasised too strongly , as this enables any problems to be discussed and dealt with speedily .
16 ‘ It is better for these problems to be dealt with now rather than later .
17 The relative narrowness of focus of particular modules , and the way this corresponds with the need for cross-reference to make explicit the common denominator of principle , are matters which can not be determined in advance but depend on what teachers conceive their problems to be and on the actual experience of designing and using such modules .
18 There were , however , more pressing problems to be tackled .
19 A Symes in High Street Ward , for example , pointed to the ‘ vast problems to be faced by the Borough — houses for the working classes , road improvements , removal of slums , tram system improved ’ , but then went to the heart of the matter :
20 Traditionally practitioners have considered infant behaviour problems to be symptomatic of underlying disorder — that the problem exists inside the child and must be diagnosed and then treated with a view to a cure .
21 A representative selection of the literature on script recognition has illustrated the main approaches to the problem , and the main problems to be resolved .
22 On may 3 it had caused sufficient problems to be pushed home on the last train of the day from Wroxham .
23 Patients , to Aline , were fascinating mental problems to be picked up each time one walked on duty and put down directly one walked out of the ward .
24 Problems to be tackled by additional restructuring and ‘ administrative ’ reforms ( some on the East German or Czechoslovak pattern ) , greater levels of investment in yet more priority areas , exhortation and other ad hoc remedies ; a blind eye to the ‘ second economy ’ rather than a policy for it ; consensual pattern of decision-making maintained and élite interests nurtured .
25 It will first work with the customer to identify business problems to be solved , and after the design has been determined , NCR will build the prototype around an NCR 3450 or NCR 3550 symmetric multiprocessing server — it 's going after people downsizing from mainframes here .
26 Regular contact with the manager enables problems to be picked up quickly , and questionnaires are routinely sent to clients who say they no longer need the service .
27 But for me there were still many problems to be overcome , and — to cut a long story short — I solved most of them by becoming a partner in a small company which we named Island Holidays .
28 But there were many problems to be faced .
29 It will first work with the customer to identify business problems to be solved , and after the design has been determined , NCR will build the prototype around an NCR 3450 or NCR 3550 symmetric multiprocessing server — it 's going after people downsizing from mainframes here .
30 His view about Orkney — which is his local area — showed a lack of faith in social workers to the extent of preferring society 's problems to be solved informally .
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