Example sentences of "'s [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 And 's dismissed a speculation claims that it wants to increase redundancy payments to miners at Calverton pit by seven thousand pounds .
2 He 's crushed a snail .
3 Yeah well , there was n't many shops there really dear , there were just the er fishmongers and greengrocers and the butchers and the , we used to have to go there to get , to queue up , you had to queue because there was no , not many shops to be there you see to serve you , it 's altered a lot now , there 's a lot more shops now and the doctors I used to have to queue right out the gate , the doctors a big long queue , there was only Dr surgery and then we had another doctor came that started down at erm the bottom of erm Harlow near where , where do they call that ?
4 No it means someone 's stopped a program , stopped a printout half way through and it does n't clear the page in
5 Cos he 's given a signal too late , and by the time you start to move there 's another vehicle coming round the corner .
6 The goalkeeper 's he 's committed the cardinal error by picking up the er the back pass , oh he 's given a free kick the other way .
7 Velocity 's given a direction .
8 Cos the chap Norman says he 's he 's given a contact there
9 It 's given a new lease of life has n't it ?
10 Indeed , well I suppose it was , I did it , I do n't think he got a catch did he Botham , he 's given a leap in the air and he 's now on his knees explaining what 's happened .
11 And hurrying along on this account that we have here , Ruth , the next morning , she 's given a gift by Boaz a a a , a gift of er , to seal what has been said .
12 So really it 's given a 9% increase to farmers which I think is long overdue really .
13 Well if you , he 's developed a taste for crusts .
14 Can I ask you about er the medium range surface to air missile because er , you wo n't be surprised to learn , that er the committee 's received a number of submissions on this matter er which suggest that er er t to proceed with Eurofighter two thousand without the medium range surface to air missile er I mean to be put rather bluntly to us , that it makes little sense to proceed with the aircraft without a replacement for blood hound .
15 She 'd erm was erm getting a pie out the oven and cos some of the juice went on the floor , she wiped it up thinking she 'd wiped it up properly and she did n't , she slipped , she 's broken a couple of bones in her foot .
16 Three things I did n't know about her , one , she 's painted a kid 's playroom in primary colours , red , yellow , blue and green , that 's gloss on walls etcetera .
17 Pete says nobody 's pointed a finger , can we get big fobs on like hotel keys so they do n't take the damn things home or leave them in their pockets .
18 somebody 's formed a country residence
19 He 's witnessed a substantial fall in the number of offenders appearing in his Ashford court .
20 Look at that she 's scoffed a Picnic bar , now she 's scoffing a bloody Crunchie !
21 I mean , if a man cries he 's considered a wimp !
22 Du n no people have said like that will last a really short time or a really long time , but what 's considered a short time I know what a long time is , a long time is like sort of four months three sort of four months onwards in n it for like people our age , what would a short time be they ?
23 He 's booked a load of bands ai n't he ?
24 The powder 's just gone it 's dissolved a little bit but it 's not really doing much on its own .
25 you know , and erm , our Kim , er , she , she goes to bloody extreme then , she 's picked a wardrobe , one wardrobe and a set of drawers , should of been a thousand pound and that bloke at Aston where she got her bed from , which she paid twelve hundred pound just for a bedhead
26 Evening he 's earned a pint of beer I think tonight .
27 Wll yes I reckon the old workman 's earned a cup of tea do n't you ?
28 Say , he 's won a couple of hundred
29 She 's won a bloody Ferrari int she ?
30 If she 's er if she 's sorted a village out , that 'll be great
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