Example sentences of "members be to " in BNC.

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1 If five members are to be elected in your constituency your natural expectation would be that you should have five votes .
2 This procedure , however , reproduces the basic absurdity of the STV , under which you have only one vote however many members are to be elected in your constituency .
3 This is another area largely unexplored by the Church , and the Commission believes that more work needs to be done here , for the implication of the research completed so far is that the average parish congregation demands a variety of musical styles if the needs of all its members are to be met .
4 As for the conservation aim , there will initially be a greater , not a lesser , consumption of paper , if members are to be persuaded to be content with the summary , it will be necessary to undertake what the Regulations call a ‘ relevant consultation ’ which involves sending to each member both the full accounts for the financial year and a summary financial statement plus a postage-paid card on which he can make his choice for the future .
5 It is essential that , in all Network communications initiating members clearly set out the fee basis upon which participating members are to be included .
6 All sample members were to be followed up by the research team ( unless , of course , they died or moved away ) for a period of one year from the date of their referral to the project .
7 Its members were to be nominees of national governments : while all the states were to be represented , not more than two members could come from any one state .
8 On many occasions in our study we found a sharp contrast between the professionals ' perception that a high degree of consensus had been reached and the parents ' perception that they had agreed to a course of action because they saw no other real choice , particularly if the urgent needs of the child and other family members were to be quickly met .
9 The voting members were to be peers of first creation .
10 In the case of a licensing board for a district or division of a district , the members were to be elected at the first meeting of the district council after its ordinary election in 1977 and thereafter after every ordinary election .
11 In the case of a board for an islands area or division of an islands area , the members were to be elected at a meeting of the islands council to be held between May 16 , 1977. and June 30 , 1977 , and thereafter at the first meeting of the council after every ordinary election .
12 Three years later the Controller-General Necker created such an assembly , one-third of whose members were to be nominated by the king and the rest elected , for the province of Berry .
13 The 1980 Constitution , which was put into effect in March 1981 [ see pp. 30619-20 ; 30931 ] , provided for the re-establishment , effective 1989 , of the bi-cameral National Congress , consisting of a Senate of 38 elected and nine appointed members , all of whom were to serve an eight-year term , and a Chamber of Deputies whose 120 members were to be directly elected for a four-year term .
14 Party members were to reregister voluntarily in the new party .
15 The new members were to be Cape Verde , Hungary , Japan , Morocco and Venezuela .
16 UNPROFOR members were to be allowed to use force for self-defence , including when prevented from carrying out their mandate .
17 Francis Hawkins was to rise to effective second-in-command of the BUF after 1936 and the impact of the ex-British Fascist members was to be significant in the organization and administration of the movement .
18 ( It had been announced in July 1990 by the Soviet Union that from Jan. 1 , 1991 , trade between COMECON members was to be in freely convertible currency and at world market prices — see pp. 37630 ; 37979 .
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