Example sentences of "view that a " in BNC.

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1 By implication , Levitt takes the view that a global market should be viewed as one with particular market segments that may bear little or no relationship to geographical boundaries .
2 Ramsey had formed the view that a bishop is an apostolic teacher .
3 On the contrary ; he took the view that a continuation of the National Government was in the best interests of the country .
4 He has been a vocal champion of the occasionally fashionable view that a company should be run in the interests of ‘ stakeholders ’ — its employees , suppliers and customers , and the regions where a company operates .
5 The Royal Commission on Population also tended to endorse the view that a stationary population was possibly not a bad thing considering the way in which the economy could be regulated .
6 Some clergy today still take the view that a suicide victim can not be buried in a churchyard or have a Christian funeral .
7 A weighty body of objective opinion — of HMI , teachers , academics and local authorities — had built up during the 1970s to support the common-sense view that a pupil leaving school aged sixteen at the youngest should be prepared for the responsibilities and opportunities associated with the age of majority which he or she would attain no more than two years later .
8 The appeal court took the view that a speaker must take the audience as he or she finds it — this contradicted Beatty v. Gillbanks and revived all the fears about ‘ mob rule ’ which had been to the forefront of the judges ' minds in that case .
9 In Strathclyde alone , nearly three out of every five cases were not pursued to court , a statistic which provides ‘ considerable support for the view that a policy of mass arrests was pursued by the police in that area ’ ( Wallington , 1985 : 150 ) .
10 If my view that a doctor incurs no liability if he ignores the request to discontinue treatment made by the mentally unfit and minor is correct , it does not of course follow that he would also be free from liability if he complied with their requests .
11 Thus a view that a subordinate is obstructive must be redefined in terms of observable effects : refuses to do over-time ; objects to all new ideas or suggestions ( all suggestions or just some ? ) ; does not provide vital information when needed ; persists in coming in very late for regular meetings and so on .
12 Occasionally , courts and tribunals take the view that a dismissal or resignation given in the heat of the moment can be withdrawn .
13 ( 1981 ) reaffirms the old view that a major concealed Variscan thrust controls the Vale of Pewsey anticline , and so by inference the Ham and Kingsclere anticlines .
14 There are clear ‘ fits ’ between the two lists , giving support to the view that a synergetic relationship is possible , and some obvious benefits are almost bound to derive from bringing two organisations together , just as sitting next to Nellie traditionally gradually fused the experience of the expert with the youthful vigour of the apprentice .
15 Moreover , the Commission has taken the view that a 20% shareholding could lead to joint control in certain circumstances .
16 ‘ I like a film to have a beginning , a middle and an ending , preferably in that order , so I can follow it , ’ he says , Mortimer 's screenplay knowingly making him paraphrase Godard 's view that a ‘ film must have a beginning , a middle and an ending , not necessarily in that order . ’
17 But to be forever in child-bed , surrounded by countless sons and daughters , many of them ill ; to run a self-supporting household with endless heavy domestic chores ; to be victim to a view that a woman 's one means of self-fulfilment must be through the home — all that adds up to a state of affairs not to be envied .
18 They believe that the Treasury-held view that a 12% devaluation will translate into 4% extra inflation over two years and 12% extra inflation ( the full impact of the trade-weighted devaluation to date ) over four years is , given the present economic background , highly exaggerated .
19 The present view that a breastfed baby can not be overfed also has to be treated with caution .
20 The great Latin literatures are implicitly social even when not explicitly that , and they seldom give credence to the view that a sane being in emotional health might reasonably prefer to be left to himself .
21 The view that a child-centred approach suddenly swept across England in the 1960s and 1970s is quite inaccurate .
22 For example , Ullman 's demonstration that computation of shape is not necessary for computation of identity gives theoretical support to the view that a creature might be able to experience identity without being able to recognize shape .
23 Althusser 's question therefore paves the way for his view that a corpus of knowledge is the outcome of practices .
24 Its distinguishing characteristics are first the view that a class is partly constituted by the perceptions of its members , and second the belief , held either tacitly or openly , that the passage of history is marked by the growth of class consciousness , until a point in the future when an enlightened proletariat will be able to grasp its real interests and make its own history .
25 There is room for argument over the degree of monopolistic competition which is acceptable , but there is no serious challenge to the view that a substantial measure of concentration is a necessary feature of large areas of industry mainly because of the needs of technology and marketing .
26 He saw that he had no chance of winning over the militants , and so abandoned the conventional view that a political settlement was essential .
27 The view that a ‘ threshold of effect ’ exists for the effects of phenylketonuria on brain development is based largely on the apparently normal intelligence of subjects with the mildest forms of the disorder ( so called ‘ benign ’ hyperphenylalaninaemia ) , whose plasma phenylalanine concentrations are <1000 µmol/l ( normal 50–120 µmol/l ) and who do not usually receive treatment .
28 It came to be replaced by the view that a ‘ new despotism ’ was arising from the growing practice of vesting legislative and judicial powers in the Executive .
29 This document put forward the now stereotypical view that a population with a decreasing number of young people in it would be unprogressive and less vigorous than other nations .
30 In the event , Mark surprised his wife by taking the view that a baby 50% genetically created by Wendy was better than no baby at all .
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