Example sentences of "those [noun pl] whose " in BNC.

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1 Waqar , too , was utilising the glossary compiled by latterday cricketers of hostile bent , for venting upon those opponents whose bats are too wide or whose luck is too gross .
2 In those states whose governments have refused to have anything to do with the presidential liaison officers appointed by the president to set up offices in the nineteen state capitals , radio station staff have been likewise forbidden to make contact .
3 Social dumping expresses the concern that employment will be lost in those states whose higher social standards are reflected in higher average labour costs .
4 Its soothing atmosphere is ideally suited to those artists whose work has the power of illumination , synthesising matter and thought : Spalletti , Mucha , Therrien , Baumgarten .
5 She also felt a commitment to those artists whose blatant and subjective rather than allegorical treatment of the subject matter may have excluded them from showing elsewhere .
6 Conventionally , those patterns whose left-hand or most significant bit position contains a zero represent positive values , and those where it contains a one represent negative values .
7 Analysis was confined to those crypts whose entire lengths could be completely visualised and which contained a single layer of cells only .
8 One quite serious limitation in the original selection of these authorities lay in the criterion for selection which seemed to rest in the main on those authorities whose drama advisers happened to be currently in favour with H.M.I .
9 From my own experience and that of others , I knew that books about miscarriages of justice were always published in a kind of limbo where they remained for months if not years , totally ignored by those authorities whose business it was to evaluate and act on them .
10 Nevertheless , the Secretary of State for the Environment is empowered to ‘ charge cap ’ local authorities , either by setting a universal limit or by singling out those authorities whose levels of Community Charge he or she considers excessive .
11 He had neither the background nor the inclination for life in those institutions whose products he so roundly despised .
12 Gainers will be those groups whose incomes rise more rapidly than the general price level : examples include those workers who are represented by strong trade unions or who are employed by benevolent employers .
13 Losers will be those groups whose incomes rise less rapidly than the general price level : examples include workers who are not represented by unions or who are only weakly unionised but face strong employer resistance to wage claims .
14 the state selectively favours those groups whose acquiescence and support are crucial to the untroubled continuity of the existing order : oligopoly capital and organized labour .
15 Into the latter category , embracing all those groups whose annual expenditure exceeded their earnings , he put more than half of the population .
16 The prizes as stated will be awarded to those readers whose correct entries are the first drawn out of the bag after the competition 's closing date .
17 Those organizations whose members can find no good reason , whatever the basis of the bargain , to trust one another at a modicum will find it extremely hard to work effectively with each other .
18 Those organizations whose clients benefit from the subsidy , whether it be the private pensions industry , or the building societies or banks , would be told a year in advance what the cash ceiling was to be , and the organizations would have the task of sharing out the tax subsidy amongst customers , and potential new customers .
19 But what of those listeners whose only experience of the score is through performance by others ?
20 The subjective estimate could be based on pure hunch and guesswork at the end of period t - 1 , but in order to introduce a degree of empirical testability into the model it is normally assumed that is arrived at by some policy rule which includes on the right-hand side only those variables whose magnitudes are known at the end of the period t - 1 .
21 Candidate word senses are determined by inspecting the context of a given word and eliminating those words whose conditions of usage ( according to the matrix ) are not met .
22 This problem does not affect all third parties to the same extent since the problem of " wasted votes " bears heavily on those parties whose support is spread across the country as opposed to those whose support is regionally concentrated .
23 In this way an active reciprocal flow takes place between your thinking and that of those authors whose work you accept as of value .
24 In linking the resourcing of the school library to specific curriculum developments , and in making grants only to those schools whose plans comply with specified criteria , the local authority has acted in the same way as such central government agencies as the Department of Education and Science ( DES ) and the Manpower Services Commission ( MSC ) .
25 He was unpopular , too , with the opposition baronage , and was among those royalists whose lands were pillaged in the spring of 1263 .
26 Those speakers whose ties are weakest are those who approximate least closely to vernacular norms , and are most exposed to pressures for change originating from outside the network .
27 The Hiatt-Thompson brochure was available to those visitors whose only interest was in obtaining products for North America .
28 In addition there is the charge that the ownership of British companies has now passed to the large institutions — insurance companies , pension funds , unit trusts and investment trusts — who tend to adopt a rather passive approach to those companies whose equity they hold because they are more concerned with their own role as financial intermediaries .
29 What is beyond dispute is that the portfolio valuations benefited on two counts : firstly through translation of foreign share holdings into sterling at more advantageous rates , and secondly through the appreciation of the shares of those companies whose large overseas involvement made them beneficiaries of a lower pound .
30 Princes derived profit solely from the courts on their own manorial lands or from those areas whose castellans were held in sufficient subordination to render dues to their lords .
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