Example sentences of "very [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 Just persevere and you 'll be certain to find a very pleasant period ahead of you .
2 I do think there are problems and difficulties , I do n't think it will be easy , not least because we do n't have a shared morality and a shared consensus , on the objectives for the voluntary sector , but it is a set of concerns which we must address , er , and I believe that if , if I 've done nothing else today , I 've kicked off a debate , or I 've contributed to a debate which was already rolling , erm , and that we must address those difficulties , and try and find ways through them , because there are opportunities as well as threats in the current situation and I believe we have to look at all of those er , so that we can move into the nineteen nineties which I believe will be a very exciting period for the voluntary sector , and one which the voluntary sector should er , see as exciting , grab the opportunities and move forward .
3 Happily only one or two shops in the group were affected by bomb scares , though the very wet period in the south and south west put shoppers off .
4 And er that was a very interesting period because it was nineteen thirty nine and of course the , what the , my impressions of America were quite different when you got there , from er what er their er impressions of the world situation were .
5 From a very early period the courts have been opposed to restrictions upon the free alienation of land .
6 We first discussed the possibility of regressing to a very early period in her current life .
7 Fish are likely to have been able to detect sound from a very early period .
8 He exhibited occasionally at the Royal Academy and became a fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects ‘ at a very early period of [ the ] Institution ’ .
9 Here a predominantly grassland habitat was converted to a predominantly arable one in a very limited period after 1945 , primarily due to a Government policy of encouraging cereal growing .
10 Because the 1980s in the UK was a very favourable period for customers , UK retailers did n't see those developments : most of them spent the 1980s massaging their profits and margins , which they euphemistically called ‘ adding value ’ ’ .
11 But I think there 's also the other end of the scale which is , which is what , you 've slightly amended this year , is the fact of elderly people erm , I know recently that myself have gone through the fact of my gran had er , was going through a very sick period , and if she 'd have come back home , it would have been very difficult for me to have had to look after her at the same time as trying to attend my council duties , and this would have been the same for my dad , and the additional income which this would have brought , to have paid someone to be able to look after her whilst we were at council meetings , and you can remember that these meetings sometimes go on , you can say well , this meeting should be over by one o'clock then it goes on till three o'clock or whatever , and then peop , the problems mount up for that person left on their own , and I think that those things have to be taken into consideration , and I believe that this is the first step forward in trying to recognise that people have responsibilities outside of the council chamber .
12 We were then both at a very comfortable period of life , and I do n't know why no one has ever prayed to the gods for perpetual middle age .
13 It was tolerated well enough to become a useful drug , but it had a very brief period of action ; 6-MP is attacked by the enzyme xanthine oxidase , a normal constituent of the human body ( and of widespread occurrence elsewhere ) and is converted to a substance , thio-uric acid , which is not active against tumours .
14 And finally we went to see Karl Dönitz , the admiral who throughout the war had epitomized the U-boat service and been its inspired leader , who in 1943 had relieved Admiral Raeder as Germany 's naval commander-in-chief , and finally for a very brief period before arrest and ten years ' imprisonment in Spandau had succeeded Hitler as Chancellor .
15 Those who did object found various means of evasion , and in any case , within a very brief period , the initially reluctant provincial nobility became acclimatized .
16 He will recall that inflation never fell below 7.4 per cent. , and that for only a very brief period , while the Labour party was in Government .
17 Hence , for example , children wet the bed — usually for a very brief period — for a variety of understandable reasons : emotional upset over the strange and terrifying journey , homesickness , fear of their new foster parents — sometimes because a toilet was inaccessible .
18 The difference , however , is that stags are vastly more successful during their usually very brief period when they 're controlling a harem of hinds .
19 The dean of dental studies , Prof Philip Sutcliffe , praised staff for the way they had responded during what has been a very unsettling period .
20 The range is from 5.0 to 7.6 , so that the star is never too dim to be found with binoculars ; there is a very rough period of around 130 days .
21 On the other hand all modern anthropologists and archaeologists would agree with the view that for a very long period of history mankind has existed solely by hunting , fishing , and gathering , and that such a technological stage always precedes domestication of plants and animals .
22 When you spread work like this over a very long period you are able to look into yourself , and see yourself in a great work of art .
23 For , despite acquiring a mass of archival material stretching over a very long period of time , the Chinese never developed anything corresponding to the modern Western concept of history .
24 There was therefore a very long period during which the need for a god was having its effect on the developing mind of man , but during which no god worship as now understood was practised .
25 Enterprise zone property trusts are established to be held as an investment for a very long period ( usually 25 years ) and as Capital Ventures warns : ‘ You may have difficulty in selling your investment before realisation of the underlying property … ’
26 The fact that it is very difficult to do does n't prevent a lot of people wishing to achieve it , but it is very seldom that , in the industrial world , anybody has achieved and held continuously a pre-eminent position over a very long period of time .
27 Fact : The authors have chosen here to quote undiscounted and out-of-date figures although they make much play of discount rates elsewhere in their article and must be aware that the decommissioning costs concerned arise over a very long period of time stretching to the end of the twenty-first century and beyond .
28 Close beside Xi is the huge eclipsing binary VV Cephei , which has the very long period of 7430 days ; the next eclipse is not due until 1996 , when the magnitude will drop from its usual 4.9 to about 5.2 .
29 It is then not surprising that for a very long period the most difficult problems in the social relations of cultural practice revolved around the question of literacy .
30 One possibility would be a statutory reformulation of Rylands v. Fletcher shorn of the qualifications and defences which so emasculate it now , perhaps on the lines of the Restatement , which imposes strict liability on one who carries on an ‘ abnormally dangerous activity , ’ but this would be open to varying judicial inclinations and would give rise to considerable uncertainty for a very long period of time .
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