Example sentences of "know that sort " in BNC.

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1 I mean , I think a lot of national organisations that are giving , I trust that are giving money to people actually do want to know that sort of detail about where the money is going , because , if I go through this , I mean , I would have to say that I should imagine that a very small percentage of the money that has been collected on these flag days will actually get back into Oxfordshire .
2 He said , ‘ I know that sort of story !
3 know that sort of
4 They used to cost about two hundred pounds in those days and that was a heck of a sum in those days you know that sort of thing , how much they cost and had to be careful of them and all that .
5 Angels know that sort of thing .
6 You know that sort of thing you can
7 A lot of the time you know , it , it 's good in one respect that they 're all in , you know and that sort of thing , so if any leads come they sort of come together , you know that sort of thing , but it means that , quite a lot like , routine on B M S.
8 You know that sort of ?
9 He was here from the very first cos he worked for Hills , you know that sort of
10 you know that sort you have
11 Secretarial work , you know that sort of thing , is run up on computers
12 You know could be I 'll I 'll a large part of it may I do n't know whether all of it but a large part of it will be here 's the English for you know that sort of thing .
13 Erm it 's sort of like lines , you have a bit like paint , you know that sort of erm it 's like paint brush stripes .
14 In relation to the concept of a new settlement the Department very firmly has an open mind at a time , we 've heard many statements drawing on the various P P G s , and from some of them you might have been excused for thinking that the Department had indeed turned it turned its back on the idea of a n new settlements , knowing that sort of situation we felt it appropriate before the start of this examination to sound out the residents of two Marscham Street
15 A Welshman knows that sort of thing by instinct .
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