Example sentences of "do not care " in BNC.

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1 Some people can not spell and do not care about it .
2 ‘ Is there something you 've seen you do n't care for ? ’
3 Superintendent Robertson did not care about the mutterings from the lower ranks against her strict disciplinarian attitude .
4 After months of weeping and shouting and apologising , she did not care enough .
5 How could one not admire a woman so clear as to her needs that she did not care whose flesh she carved her way through , who did not care whose sleep she shattered in the small hours of the dawn ?
6 How could one not admire a woman so clear as to her needs that she did not care whose flesh she carved her way through , who did not care whose sleep she shattered in the small hours of the dawn ?
7 She had not tried hard enough because she did not care enough .
8 Perhaps not , but she did not care .
9 She did not care enough .
10 More than eight out of 10 consumers , out of a sample of about 1,500 , said their consumption of meat and fish was unaffected by health considerations and 60% did not care about calories , while more than half claimed not to worry about calories , while more than half claimed not to worry about salt , sugar or caffeine .
11 They did not care about the burst tyre — all 14 inches and $400 of it — and could hardly be bothered to check the rest of the car .
12 He did not gain many public commissions , because he did not care for architectural competitions .
13 A government committed to the disciplines of the market had had a salutary lesson : the market did not care a damn for the long term , or strategic thinking into the middle of the next century , or , quite possibly , sustainable development .
14 That I did not care about my work was , I thought , an outrage .
15 She had said nothing , nothing at all to reveal to him how she took the idea of Florence Ames , whether she cared or did not care .
16 I have always known that she did not care to have me as a friend . ’
17 He did not care about the money .
18 She saw women , old gnarled Italian housewives , who did not care about popularity , who were quite composed in the face of sour looks , getting fruit and vegetables and even meat at a quarter the price paid by her affable husband and she resolved to become one of these women .
19 She did not care what money was given for repairs .
20 She had not the least interest in the fortunes of Italy , did not care that once more liberty and unity were the watchwords , and it astonished her that Mrs Browning could seem as anxious about war as she did about her sister 's health .
21 She watched Pilade run around laughing and trying to catch butterflies and heard Pen shrieking in the distance as he urged his pony to a faster trot and she knew she did not care a jot for Garibaldi or Cavour or any other Italian hero .
22 He refused an invitation from the EC 's energy authority to investigate the possibilities of translating electricity , generated within green plants , into a new source of fuel : he did not care for the clause giving the EC the right to suppress anything in the eventual reports .
23 Anne did not like Clive , did not care what happened to him .
24 She did not care .
25 We were back again in the Wolverton area , but now I did not care , and the house itself was luxurious compared with past billets .
26 But about this he did not care .
27 Dusterandus is not mentioned , perhaps because Octavia simply did not care even to consider his merits as a husband .
28 To say that he did not care , however , would be a gross over-simplification .
29 We did not care very much for politics .
30 So there were many , even among teachers , who , being university orientated , did not care for the Council .
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