Example sentences of "she would put " in BNC.

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1 Many are portrayed as strong personalities : the Swansea shopkeeping grandmother , a ‘ wonderful old lady ’ who would tell historical stories of the Rebecca Riots ; the cultured , much-travelled Scots widow , a ‘ remarkable woman ’ who ran her late husband 's estate ; the toothless , pipe-smoking , ‘ mediumistic ’ Lancashire granny who believed in ghosts and practised second sight ; or the Scot ploughman 's wife who taught her grandson the Bible and catechism ‘ patiently , affectionately , and prayerfully … and at night she would put me to bed , wrap me snug and warm , and kindly teach me short prayers , psalms , and hymns . ’
2 She runs a sort of company for readings and uncostumed actings of unusual plays , and when I told her about Unisoculous she said she would put it on .
3 My mother , who came from a staunchly ‘ church ’ family , used to express her antipathy when she often declared , ‘ He 's nothing but a chapel dodger , ’ and it 's difficult to describe the scorn that she would put into the phrase .
4 As it grew she would put her hands on her belly and talk to the baby .
5 In time she would put the disagreeable widow in her place .
6 In addition I explained to her that , having found the original event and looked at it through adult eyes , there was no danger that she would put an end to one problem only to replace it with another , as might have happened if we had not investigated its origins .
7 She would put all her things on the floor because it was hers to do what she liked with .
8 She would put all the light clothes into one bag and all the dark into another and take them to the launderette in Pevsner Road .
9 I did n't mind giving her money , but I remember I was ridiculously annoyed at the thought of the way she would put it .
10 But she would put up with all that to make Tina happy and give the children a secure childhood .
11 Well she would put that right now , this minute !
12 And , although she never actually put it into words she had made it perfectly clear that she would put him out of business if he did n't agree to her terms .
13 So she would put wha in you would put in what , sorry ?
14 Perhaps she would put on another pair of socks .
15 Marilla agreed , and for the next few days Anne planned what she would put in her cake .
16 Immediately on arrival she would put on her white coat , and at once she felt different , no longer young and uncertain , but a professional woman , almost like a scientist , a recognised member of the Lab staff .
17 If a particular print was not selling , it would be removed from the range ; but then , if Laura especially liked it , she would put it back in .
18 If Bernard was busy with flying lessons then she could be left in peace to get on with her work ; once he was back , if he wanted her to go somewhere with him , he would just say ‘ Come on Laura , we 're going , ’ and even if she were in the middle of a meeting , she would put away what she was doing and go .
19 She would put her elbows on the table , she would be allowed wine , she would read a book while she ate if she wanted to .
20 She picked up his bag , saying she would put it in her car .
21 She said she would put on the computer or something like
22 He listened to it , trying to will her to the phone ; imagining her coming back to the flat after being out ; she might hear the phone from the street … now she would put the key in the lock … now running up the stairs … now dashing in , dripping , short of breath , to grab the receiver … now … now .
23 In the hall she would put on her hat and , lulling all suspicions of decay and its mortifications to rest in the conviction of her own economical and resourceful genius , with Gigi on her shoulder , she would stand at the head of the basement staircase screaming ( Gigi would scream too ) for Silly-Willie and Brigid to come and take her instructions and give their assistance while she created some nauseating delicacy for Dada 's dinner .
24 And if he found one and the situation turned ugly , Jessamy knew who she would put her money on !
25 She would put all her energies into her work , and try to forge ahead regardless of the emotional upheaval that was erupting inside her .
26 Did he think she would put his affair with Rebecca in jeopardy ?
27 He would have her — to keep — and she would put him in possession of his disappointed expectations .
28 From now on , Robbie vowed , she would put a closer guard on her own feelings and emotions .
29 She would argue about moving Anna before she had fully recovered — if she recovered — but she would put nothing in the way of Anna 's marriage to Nahum Plunkett .
30 What was certain was that she would put in an appearance that evening at Jeffrey Archer 's great party ; the one social event in the Brighton calendar which was quite definitely not to be missed .
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