Example sentences of "[indef pn] can [adv] [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think it is very peculiar that someone can just give evidence , like Sir Hal Millar , and not be cross-examined on it at all . ’
2 Ms Botwin has found that a good clue to spotting a fear of intimacy is when someone can only have sex with people they do n't care about , but can confide and be intimate with people of the opposite sex who are seen as just good friends .
3 And he knows that nobody can just order Israel to attend , or sign on other people 's dotted lines .
4 At the same time , research evidence about how people view this in practice conveys a sense of boundaries : that there are limits to what one can reasonably expect relatives to do , and to what a person would want to rely on relatives for .
5 The argument that in English one can theoretically address others without revealing status , on which some of Lyons ' claims for the ‘ objectivity ’ of the language rest , is not in fact readily subscribed to by linguists .
6 Table tennis is on offer , and one can also hire bicycles .
7 This case illustrates how by changing behaviour one can also affect attitudes .
8 A new mole around an existing one can also mean trouble .
9 There are two main methods of measuring costs : one can either include only public expenditure costs , or one can also include opportunity costs .
10 One can also imagine clubs for the ‘ healthy ’ that will demand proof of ‘ genetic fitness ’ .
11 According to Lech Walesa , one can also imagine people exploding in sheer desperation — tomorrow .
12 One can already see trends in this direction .
13 My Lord point eight , erm , the evidence it all goes to insurance points , solvency and protection of policy holders and in that regard two points , first of all why one can simply say V D S , secondly all their justifications , even if it 's true , the answer is V D S , but in any event they must sure even if , even if V D S was wrong in some way , they would have to show that the restrictions were the minimum necessary in order to achieve those legitimate policy objectives
14 One can legitimately ask Dr Runcie what are the temptations facing those who are unsuccessful , in regard to their own failings and failures — indulgence in self-pity ; trying to pass the buck ; bitterness , even resentment .
15 One can easily produce evidence at the present day of great local abundance ( e.g. of starfish or pilchards ) , but I know of nothing on a modern sea-floor to compare with the abundance plus wide distribution of the examples just mentioned .
16 One can either see externalization as undoing this process and therefore no longer serving the ego in its defensive purpose , or one can see the psychotic remodelling of reality which occurs , for instance , in hallucination , as an all-too-successful externalization .
17 One can thus see gains and losses in the two broad approaches to the study of literature described by Welch ( 1987 ) .
18 One can hardly expect newspapers not to change over four decades !
19 Yet even on the most charitable view of facts , one can hardly treat propositions like " Ruritania does not exist " as being on the same logical footing as any other synthetic true singular propositions without throwing into confusion the whole concept of existence .
20 No one can really do business on 40 quid a week .
21 One can only admire Lucie-Smith 's confidence in taking on such an undertaking , but wonder why Laurence King Publishing were keen on this project .
22 In the current absence of information about problematic matters from the teachers ' point of view , one can only make assumptions based on impressions about the kind of issue that is uppermost in their minds .
23 After all , one can only make peace with one 's enemies .
24 As Bateson ( 1973 ) argues , the psychological frame appropriate in discussing play or games is more akin to a picture frame than to the logical frame of a mathematical set : what is outside the picture frame is irrelevant and one can only make judgements of comparison and contrast on matters within the frame .
25 That policy does not work and if one applies it in that way one can only deepen slumps — just as the Government are doing now .
26 He told him committee last week that staff at Coed Glas were in a difficult situation and ‘ one can only have sympathy with them ’ .
27 Once through the narrows , and having explored and discounted tempting-looking passages that turned out to go nowhere — Bahia Inútil : one can almost sense Magellan growling with irritation as he named this immense body of water useless — the Captain-General entered the narrow waterway that would eventually take him into the neighbour-ocean .
28 Indeed , for this reason one can usefully add Mozart 's Don Giovanni and Bizet 's Carmen to the above list : the use ( in land-locked , mountainous Salzburg ) of a nocturnal seascape as the backdrop to Act III of Carmen was one of Karajan 's strangest and yet most haunting intimations of eternity .
29 In fact one can often feel Tolkien , between these ‘ low ’ and ‘ high ’ stylistic poles , breaking with complete success out of all the categories into which he should have been put , rising again from the edge of romance to what almost anyone might call ‘ myth ’ .
30 It is in Africa and India that one can still find patients ravaged by the late complications of syphilis , gonorrhoea , and lymphogranuloma venereum , and any hopes of eventually controlling levels of infection will almost certainly depend on paramedical or ‘ barefoot ’ doctors ’ playing a larger role .
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