Example sentences of "it have changed " in BNC.

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1 I think it has changed .
2 The Khmer Rouge says it has changed , and now supports a free market economy and a multi-party system .
3 It 's still ordinary policing , though the station and the set-up within it has changed ’ ( FN 17/12/87 , p. 1 ) .
4 It has changed , the bombing , the battle , but … some has survived , shops , libraries , the Embassies … . ’
5 The fading of the cold war has not only changed what Europeans can expect from America , it has changed what Americans expect of Europe .
6 Over the past eight years it has halved in size ( from 6500 staff in 30 institutes ) and simultaneously it has changed its entire research strategy .
7 Carp fishing has changed very little in some respects , yet in others it has changed dramatically .
8 It has changed also for his parents .
9 This is leading towards the idea of ‘ invariance of mass ’ — there is still the same amount even though it has changed form .
10 Marley never stood still and reggae did not die with him , but it has changed .
11 It has changed most people 's lives .
12 It has changed hands again recently and has received a new facade .
13 If you have given birth , can you look back over the process and recognize how it has changed you ?
14 A number of feminists — Mary Daly is a good example — find it useful to subject words to a kind of archaeological excavation , turning to the etymological dictionaries to find out where a particular word came from , what it meant and how it has changed .
15 It has changed little although modernised by a filling station and a caravan park and offers the only opportunity to spend money within a very wide area ; there is also a long-established hotel popular with Victorian mountaineers , a shop and a cafe .
16 Despite a growing influx of visitors , it has changed very little in the forty years since I first saw it , remaining unspoiled and unsophisticated .
17 I had a fortnight off school when Wimbledon was on , and it has changed my life ever since .
18 Although he said it is really too early to tell what life in the US will be like under President Clinton , Gates said the US economy is definitely coming back , but that it has changed .
19 More than anything else it has changed the public lifestyle of Catholicism for the ordinary churchgoer so that it is hard for the young actually to realize that thirty years ago Mass said wholly in Latin , including even a first reading of Epistle and Gospel , was simply taken for granted by most people .
20 Unfortunately , London University 's proposal that the Witt should become self-financing comes just as the Getty computer programme is ending its support of the Witt Computer Index because it has changed its policy from building up a vast database of its own to producing systems for accessing other databases .
21 Western philosophy has a long tradition so it is not surprising that it has changed over the centuries both in content and in method .
22 As far as our own history is concerned , feminist criticism shows that Western philosophy has been consistently masculine in orientation even while it has changed its preoccupations and methods .
23 more of them , not only the young people , of course not , but I mean more of them , I know there always were some of more than there was before it has changed every value , even moral values and everything like that , have changed a lot the last twenty to thirty years .
24 As a resort it has changed though , having passed out of the possession of the royals and their followers and into that principally of the world 's surfers , who come to this coast for technical reasons , because it has by all accounts the best waves in Europe on which to perch for the ride into town .
25 Certainly over the last quarter of a century it has changed quite a lot .
26 told that it has changed , but at that time , and I know my feeling was left that if I was raped I would n't never go to the police .
27 That is to say that a word in bold in your word processor file should still be bold when it gets onto the page , even though it has changed from being monospaced typescript to a real typeface and may be in a different size altogether .
28 The WYSIWYG approach of desktop publishing certainly is n't everyone 's cup of tea , most typesetting is still code driven , but for composition systems it has changed the way we work beyond all recognition .
29 It has changed and not changed : hatred is after all most annoying and cognisance is a very quaint affair ’ ( 14 ) .
30 It has changed , ’ he said .
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