Example sentences of "it [is] considered " in BNC.

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1 It 's considered very fetching . ’
2 It 's considered disgusting to use Lilets , because of the idea that the female body itself is disgusting , and that touching yourself is the equivalent of masturbation .
3 ‘ Ian Paisley does it all the time and it 's considered quite normal . ’
4 It 's illegal , in other words , but it 's considered a fairly minor one , so we do n't prosecute .
5 It 's considered a bit austere by some . ’
6 ‘ There 's a high levy on alcohol , you see , so it 's considered a luxury product . ’
7 But hotting is n't ; apparently it 's considered joyriders ' slang that 's not yet used by the general public .
8 c ) If it is considered imperative that such privileged information should be included on the paper and which [ sic ] falls within the terms of the concern expressed above , then the whole should be submitted for approval by a Chief Officer … who will give a ruling as to its use and circulation .
9 When it is considered , sensitivity is usually approached from the perspective of ethics ( for example see Rainwater and Pittman 1966 ) , and comments range from the commonplace to the anecdotal .
10 Primarily what makes this type of work unpopular is the ever-present danger that work of this sort will break the veneer of coldness , exposing them as emotionally involved , which is something they dislike because it is considered unprofessional .
11 This is particularly remarkable when it is considered that Roddick has made no acquisitions and has no major plans for diversification .
12 Of course it is considered better to have a boy , but the birth of a girl is celebrated with the same joy by the women in the family .
13 It is considered a vital part of the mission of the AMF(L) to make an outward display of friendliness towards the population and above all to display unity within the Force itself .
14 Probably the adoption of the Gothic style for church schools is not so surprising when it is considered that the design of schools was a subject in which the influential Ecclesiological Society — the significant impact of whose views on church design has already been referred to — was prepared to interest itself .
15 The city council recognises the need to re-inject life into the potentially deserted central area , particularly after business hours , and it is considered that there is no surer means of achieving this aim than by encouraging young people to live in the city centre again .
16 It is considered preferable to play the easiest opposition last .
17 In today 's ‘ Get Ahead ’ publishing world , it is considered vastly more glamorous to be a marketing man than an author .
18 I am not rejecting the idea of Jesus being my representative — all I am doing at the moment is to point out some difficulties with it when it is considered as the central idea in the atonement theory .
19 The serenos receive a small salary from the shopkeepers and private houses they keep an eye on , but it is considered proper to give them a tip each time they open a door for one .
20 Similarly , after childbirth the placenta is disposed of with great ritual care , since it is considered to be the solidified form of the mother 's menstrual blood during her pregnancy .
21 Marriage in Judaism is of such a high status that when a Jewish couple are married , it is considered that the home is like a small version of the Temple and spirituality is brought to everyday life by keeping the biblical laws .
22 When the issue has not been discussed because it is felt to be too painful to talk about or because it is considered an unsuitable topic of conversation , then there may be problems .
23 Also , it is considered by many as an anachronism , mere prelude to a party on the river for Hooray Henrys .
24 On the other hand , it could be argued that if it is considered necessary to make an adoption order with a condition of access , then this may be seen as being imposed on the two or three parties and possibly of little value .
25 In a strict sense it is not so much the content of drama which is distinctive , but the way in which it is considered ( p. 16 ) .
26 It is considered , ’ he said , ‘ that the operations you have carried out have had more effect in hastening the disintegration of the German Seventh and Fifth Armies than any other single effort in the army .
27 It is considered justifiable to let off bombs in Britain and kill innocent people , blaming Arab countries , if that helps Israel .
28 This already happens in Sweden , the United States and Canada where it is considered a much cheaper option .
29 I sort of agree with him , though if you do put a numbing tip of cocaine on your cock because you 're quick in the trigger , I guess it is considered a sexual aid . ’
30 It is considered that his present and future operations should be more carefully coordinated and controlled both in planning and in operations by H.O .
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