Example sentences of "[indef pn] [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are four interviews and reported comments with supporters of the latter and none whatsoever for the former .
2 Is my dismissal of God something which on the total screen of human existence is rather a freak ?
3 Secondly , it may be useful to review the operation of a different regulatory regime , that is , one which to a greater or lesser degree relies on market forces and self-regulation to police it .
4 Side by side with this grew up a number of smaller specialised departments — a bureau des fonds which dealt with the ministry 's own internal finances , the surveillance of foreigners in France , questions of diplomatic privilege and a wide variety of other relatively minor issues ; a bureau des interprètes which took shape in the 1750s and 1760s and was given definitive form in 1768 ; a department concerned with codes and cyphers ; and a geographical one which by the 1780s had a remarkable collection of about 10,000 maps .
5 We had tourist visitors of every age and family , and some quaint scenes were witnessed on the upgoing — many of the native children ( and one who in a few years after might be called an old man ) found it a profitable , and I doubt not , too , a pleasurable work , leading the tourists to the top .
6 Winston Churchill had welcomed Bonar Law as party leader in 1911 with the reflection that " if ever a national emergency makes party interests fade , we shall find in the Leader of the Opposition one who in no fictitious sense places the country and the Empire first " , a tribute that was certainly justified by Law 's role between 1914 and 1918 .
7 we 'll sor we 'll find you something something on the mellow side , June .
8 They handled something something like a thousand pounds worth of cars that
9 And on , in the next paragraph there 'll be something on the Maoris , and on the next one something on the Australian Aborigines , and so on .
10 Secondly we have not heard of anything that has changed in this county since nineteen eighty sufficient to warrant or justify in this alteration the addition of a policy the effect of which , one one with a similar effect having been thrown out at that time .
11 Send one copy to your insurer and keep one yourself in a safe place .
12 I only felt well for one our of every four weeks .
13 We are sorry that Mr Blake is ill , and sorry , too , that he has been misled into thinking that experiments on mice can tell anyone anything about a human being .
14 Gascoigne had commented in April that , ‘ He also spoke slightingly of John Foster Dulles , who he said knew nothing whatever about the Far East . ’
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