Example sentences of "to be able " in BNC.

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1 We hope to be able to increase its reach even further in the coming year .
2 In the future we hope also to be able to assist further with practical care .
3 This means that actors are expected to be able to control any regional or foreign accent which is natural to them , and deliver a text in what may best be called ‘ the classical style ’ .
4 For the Roman catholic social teaching of the day laid down certain things as of natural law which anyone who was reasonable and honest was supposed to be able to recognize .
5 This is part of the Catering & Allied philosophy of ‘ link manning ’ — people need to be able to pick up their colleagues ' responsibilities if necessary , so knowledge gets passed on .
6 The Walshes had been caught in a strange yet powerful trap and it was difficult to see how they were going to be able to break free .
7 ‘ I 'm terribly sorry , I do n't seem to be able to find mine . ’
8 I 'd really like to be able to speak like you , you know .
9 This meant that there was now effectively a time limit on how long I was going to be able to stay in my broom cupboard .
10 ‘ How are we going to be able to get in touch with her ?
11 Ages ago I saw on television someone using a special space with a lever action behind it , to help people with bad backs to be able to dig the garden .
12 Student pilots need plenty of practice at dealing with both these kinds of situation during their basic training if they are to learn to be able to spot them developing .
13 For example in a 232 , Puchacz , or the older Bocian and Eagle , it is usual to be able to get a full spin of several turns without using any rudder .
14 It is important to be able to recognise all the symptoms of the approach of a stall in order to be able to prevent it .
15 It is important to be able to recognise all the symptoms of the approach of a stall in order to be able to prevent it .
16 With many aspects of flying , we need to have reached a certain stage or standard to be able to appreciate the problems , or to understand and take in the facts .
17 If it becomes obvious during the base leg or final turn that you are far too high to be able to get down in the chosen field , it is often possible to make an S-turn to use up some of the height .
18 Plenty of dual instruction is needed to be safe , and then it requires constant practice on high approaches to be able to sideslip effectively .
19 It is important to be able to recover composure after stress , to forget the low turn , and to get on with making a good landing .
20 The first essentials for any cloud flying in large cumulus are that the glider must be properly equipped for serious flying , and the pilot must be competent and experienced enough at instrument flying to be able to regain control from any attitude without having to use the airbrakes .
21 This makes it vital for the pilot to be able to manage any loss of control due to stalling or spiralling without using them .
22 You need to be able to get into the turn quickly and accurately , and to be flying within a few knots of the pre-stall buffet .
23 I should be so lucky to be able to .
24 There are some people who claim to be able to control an axe kick to the top of the opponent 's head , but I have never seen this done effectively enough to score .
25 Your eventual goal is to be able to work very hard for a full three minutes , followed after a one-minute active break by a second three-minute workout .
26 Perhaps the first step towards achieving this balance of ability is to be able to use both left and right sides with equal effectiveness .
27 What is controversial about functionalism is its claim that we are going to be able to make significant generalizations about behaviour only if we think about what is going on in the brain at a particular level of description .
28 The need to be able to get about is essential for daily life , and also to take advantage of increased leisure time .
29 It was good fortune for BR to be able to pick up the 1938 survivors — only retained into the 1980s to bail out the Northern Line from a vast increase in traffic .
30 ‘ We want our tenants to be able to offer good beers at the right price , ’ he said .
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