Example sentences of "that live [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Those callings that live to the spirit of critical-path analysis might introduce more order and efficiency to homesteading , but they could also lead one to break rather than bend .
2 The populations that live on these sky islands are cut off from each other , and evolve independently .
3 But what happens , in winter , to the Laboulbeniales that live on beetles that overwinter only as larvae or pupae ?
4 One could overlook the slack pacing and low joke-count of The Folks That Live On The Hill .
5 The friends laughed and squealed with delight as they took a short boat trip to see the crocodiles and hippos that live on the lake .
6 The ancestors of practically all the animals that live on the vast plains of western India originally came from the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East .
7 The young of the emperor butterfly fish that live on coral reefs seem to use this system too .
8 Associated with the cycle of day-length and temperature are many other cyclic changes that matter to many animals : cycles of plant-abundance , of leaves on trees , of the insects that live on plants .
9 The migrations of lemmings are stimulated by overcrowding ; so too are the movements of aphids ( insects that live on the sap of plants including greenfly ) .
10 Carnivores that live on mobile prey by no means all live in groups .
11 I mean my house is actually right next to it and also the people that live at Shilton Edge Farm erm and you can see it from the airfield or the Kencot Road .
12 flip them over , but there 's er Sally and Russell that live across the road from us , er when Russell her husband lived at home , his mum always used to iron his socks and his boxer shorts and everything , now he wo n't wear them unless she 's ironed them he wo n't
13 And the problem is , although they are er very negative for the environment , they destroy rivers , they effect the navigation , they are quite popular with the population , with the peasants , with the indians , because they bring money , they bring activities , they bring weapons , they bring all sorts of things that break the isolation of those populations that live along the rivers or er in the middle of the forest .
14 It can take large numbers of rabbits that live above the ground in dense woodland and it can do that same job in wooded areas where ferreting is not allowed because of other interests .
15 Thus northern communities that live above subsistence level generally have to be subsidized , and can expect to survive only while subsidies last ; their continuance depends on political decisions , which vary from one part of the north to another ( Armstrong and others , 1978 ) .
16 The forests are an immense resource capable of feeding and sustaining the people that live in forested areas .
17 The dolphins that live in the large , silty , turbid rivers of Asia and South America are strange , almost mythical creatures with long sensitive beaks , small near-blind eyes , and broad short flippers .
18 Warm-blooded animals that live in cold water , such as whales , seals , and penguins , insulate themselves with layers of fat ( blubber ) , and reduce the blood flow to the surface .
19 The second striking principle is that the larvae that live in the plankton are not , usually , simply miniature or immature versions of the adults .
20 All creatures that live in the plankton have to devise means of staying afloat .
21 More astonishing still , however ( in fact quite mind-blowing ) is the probable number of small animals , and in particular of insects , that live in the tropical forests .
22 The animals and plants that live in the deserts are all adapted to cope with extreme heat and extreme aridity , and also with discontinuity .
23 For Poles , the programme of her party promised ‘ The equality of all national groups that live in Russia ; assurance of their cultural development ; national schools and freedom in the use of native languages ; provincial self-government , that is to say , autonomy ’ .
24 The most selective feeders , as we have seen already , either have large hunting areas or are nomadic , but these are also the species that live in the most hostile environments .
25 All species that live in families of 100 or more are aposematically coloured , compared with only a small proportion of the solitary species .
26 THE animals that live in caves , David Culver believes , should be of particular interest to biologists .
27 It is imperative not to accept the subjects of popular interest as the objects of theoretical scrutiny , not to reify a concept of dubious historical provenance , but instead to unpack the powerful rhetoric that hides behind the notion of the inner city , to outline the contours of alternative urban realities and to place this empirical evidence in the political and economic context that will determine the life chances of those people that live in real places in real urban locations today .
28 There 's a species of blind mice that live in there , eating the grain that falls from the grain trains . ’
29 The common or vernacular names are interchangeable , but in English usage ( not the east coast pink shrimp fishery , or in the U.S.A. ) , prawns are the long legged crustaceans that live in rock and weedy areas , and shrimps are the short legged benthic crustaceans that bury in the sand .
30 The classic brackish water system where oscillation of the neap and spring tides gives ‘ tidal prisms ’ of mixed waters and mixing of the flora and fauna that live in each world .
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