Example sentences of "that feed on " in BNC.

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1 Swamp-flies , dung-flies , offal-flies , sand-flies , flies that liked to sip from the eyeballs of crocodiles , corpse-flies , rotting-vegetation-flies , pseudo-flies that fed on magnetic fields .
2 But this was not the only series that fed on viewers ' appetite for nostalgic programming .
3 Novo Nordisk 's pesticide Novodor FC , based on a subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis , is highly specific and controls the larvae of the Colorado beetle without harming non-target insects or animals that feed on them .
4 After that , the food chains ( see p 110 ) , can be very long ; fish such as sharks feeding upon fish , which feed on fish , which feed on fish that feed on plankton .
5 Many other creatures feed on the animals that feed in this way , or upon the animals that feed on them .
6 This , Schell et al. believe , may one day facilitate the production of crop plants that have an inbuilt resistance to the specific insects that feed on them .
7 Numerous other predators and pathogens ( viruses , bacteria , protozoa , fungi and nematodes ) are also being investigated and the following are ready for evaluation in the field : Poecilia reticula and Aplocheilus spp. , fish that feed on mosquito larvae ; Bocillus sphaericus , a spore-forming bacterium that attacks mosquitoes ; Culicinomyces clavosporus , a fungus that kills mosquitoes ; and Romano- mermis culicivorax , a nematode worm that inhabits and kills mosquito larvae .
8 Even the bacteria that feed on animal and plant wastes derive their energy from the Sun .
9 Those caterpillars that feed on older leaves , with a high tannin content , are less nutritious for the chicks .
10 With several separate aquaria , each kind of animal can be given the type of food it needs , and animals that feed on other animals can be kept apart .
11 The eggs hatch into small maggot-like larvae that feed on the plant from the inside .
12 The population of aphids is normally kept down by other animals that feed on them .
13 Damp polar desert soils and vegetation mats contain a small but active microfauna of consumers that feed on bacteria , algae , fungal hyphae and plant debris .
14 Zooplankton includes herbivores that browse exclusively on phytoplankton , carnivores that feed on neighbours , and omnivores that take impartially plant , animal or detrital material .
15 Copepods Parabroteas sarsi and Pseudoboeckella poppei overwinter only as eggs in water bodies that freeze completely or become anoxic ; in large lakes they are active year-round , breeding in late winter to produce nauplii that feed on the early plankton bloom .
16 If phytoplankton , the microscopic free-floating algae that form the basis of the marine food chain , are adversely affected , then so will be the krill , the tiny animals that feed on them , and then fish , seabirds , seals and whales .
17 Animals that feed on static food have to move around to find it ; and , as we shall see , the best course of movement depends on the distribution of the food items in space .
18 This attractive hypothesis has been extended to other groups of plants and their ‘ consumers ’ suggesting that under certain circumstances plants may benefit from those animals that feed on them and , indeed , may positively ‘ encourage ’ such herbivory .
19 The report highlights the decline of plants like the water crowfoot , insects like caddis flies and mayflies , and the salmon , trout and freshwater shrimps that feed on them .
20 A small animal that feeds on grass or plants
21 Its latest report lists two agents as likely to be widely used in the near future , Gambusio affinis , a fish that feeds on mosquito larvae , and Bacillus thuringiensis , a bacterium that kills mosquito larvae .
22 His intention is the cuddly fish that feeds on acorns and sleeps through the winter when nobody wants to go outside and look in their fishpond anyway . ’
23 I think ideally what we 're saying er Mrs is that it 's er , it 's an interesting plant and being a native plant of course there 'll be wild life that feeds on it which is to the good but it 's probably a plant for a , a larger wilder garden really .
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