Example sentences of "[Wh det] also [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This work was of course in addition to , and quite separate from , the long-established provision for trade unionists run in conjunction with the WETUC , which also enjoyed some expansion during the 1950s : in 1953–54 , for example , there were five residential weekend schools for trade unionists , in 1958–59 there were eight .
2 In the present study , the thesis has been treated as a quasi-formal entity , which possesses enough attributes of the formal to enable comparisons to be drawn with fully formal conventional publications , such as journal articles , but which also possesses some elements of informal , personal communication , in that it can be regarded as the fulfilment of a one-to-one contract between the researcher and the university .
3 This may be partly due to the fact that teacher training for further education in the Principality revolves almost entirely around the University of Wales , which also validates all courses for the professional training of teachers , including those for primary and secondary schools .
4 Programmes were mostly serious ; entertainment was mostly a cartoon for children ( ‘ Sindibad and Ali Baba ’ ) which also had some following among adults ; people much enjoyed a Syrian comedy series , and owners of video-recorders would tape it , to replay it for friends and visitors .
5 For a half a century from the 1840s , Shorthorn bulls from Britain and Dutch Black Pied bulls were used to improve local red and red-pied cattle in central and southern Belgium ; they were also used on the black-and-white Charleroi ( which also had some Charolais influence later ) .
6 An estimated 6,000-10,000 dolphins die every year in Mediterranean drift nets , which also kill many whales , sea turtles and sharks .
7 This has been put into a trust , and is being used to help the elderly and for the arts — seventy thousand pounds was donated for the Summerfield galleries in cheltenham , which also contain some objects from the collection .
8 We do also , as a Council , fund various grant aid money advice centres through the City , which also provide that sort of advice , not just council tenants .
9 One of the great advantages of MEDAU which also sets this method of teaching movement apart from so many of today 's exercise programmes is its adaptability to meet almost every specialised need in the community .
10 The Soup Kitchen , the existence of which also surprises many people , is run from the old Franciscan refectory in Cuppin Street , says Father Dowling .
11 But in May 1958 even that show came to an end — a London bus strike was killing business , which also gives some idea of how long ago that was .
12 Such an approach is validated by a UK study which also showed that improvement is most likely if psychopathology is recognised and the pain is not constant .
13 The Garonnais is the dominant type in the Blonde d'Aquitaine herdbook , which also includes some Villard de Lans cows , a pale corn-coloured milk-and-meat breed from the Vercors plateau of Isère .
14 However , if there are one or more alternative acts which also possess some characteristic which similarly gives rise to prima facie obligatoriness , then only one of them can be all-things-considered obligatory .
15 system is constantly being updated and is available on-line across the University 's own computer network as well as via JANET and the national and international networks ; the Main Library 's older guard-book catalogue , which also contains many entries for material in the Faculty Libraries , is available on microfiche .
16 Most systems of this type are ‘ open ’ , which means they 're topped up with water as necessary from a small tank in the loft , which also accepts any overflow ; it 's called the feed-and-expansion tank .
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