Example sentences of "[Wh det] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In other words the essential parameters by which European Christians felt they could decide whether a particular other creature was , or was not , a human being — a person like us " — were then , as they still remain , physical appearance , intelligence ( as manifested by language ) , religion .
2 Which political parties have their headquarters at
3 An additional aspect of the study is to identify the manner in which British buyers use their French properties ( as second-homes , for rent as a holiday home , for retirement , as a new permanent home , etc ) and to consider the reactions of local communities to an influx of British home owners .
4 Mosley 's political trajectory was an extreme reaction to the dilemma in which British socialists found themselves .
5 What changes are the details on which different generations base their convictions .
6 This early form of international banking was aided by Europe 's relatively compact size in which different countries used their individual currencies , thus giving rise to foreign exchange transactions .
7 As Congress approached , several hundred questionnaires and letters were scrutinized in which would-be participants expressed their interests and priorities .
11 They already considered the ways in which foreign visitors spent their money was pretty odd .
12 The strength of demand could even change the way in which Scottish shepherds manage their flocks .
13 the anthropologist is committed not simply to description , but to analysing and questioning the definitions and assumptions on which social groups base their existence and predicate their activities , and to unveiling that which may be concealed or unrecognised .
14 The implications are that , in a way similar to the class analyses we discussed in the last chapter , there is a major discrepancy between the ways in which social scientists conceptualise what is taking place and how people feel and understand what is taking place .
15 Though data are not available , it may well be that socio-economic disparities were narrower in 1974 than before as a result partly of the Contract of Employment Act , 1963 , which required employers to give their employees notice of one to four weeks according to length of service , and partly of the increased power of trade unions .
16 He thought , not for the first time , that a system which required ministers to run their departments , fulfil their parliamentary responsibilities , and spend the weekend listening to the grievances of their constituents , might have been designed to ensure that major decisions were made by men and women tired to the point of exhaustion .
17 An in-depth study of our early land law reveal(s) the existence of a substantial body of Islamic legal principles , a historical fact which contemporary scholars find themselves in difficulty to accept , having been so engrossed with the civil law system introduced in these shores after the arrival of the English administrators towards the close of the eighteenth century .
18 In 1925 Blandy & Leacock and other firms joined the Madeira Wine Association within which individual firms retained their separate identities and their own agents .
19 The formal rules and regimen are not the bases for the ways in which ordinary policemen perform their tasks , for very few rankers follow even a proportion of the management 's rules of conduct ( for example see Bittner 1967 ; Cain 1973 ; Chatterton 1976 , 1979 ; Eticson 1982 ; Holdaway 1980 , 1983 ; Manning 1977 , 1979 ; Punch 1979a ; Rubinstein 1973 ; Wilson 1968 ) .
20 To them was ordained the task of shaping the social matrix within which ordinary men had their being .
21 Because of course it may seem , and very many people objected to him , that , if you adopt his sort of subjectivist views , erm you are perhaps deprived of any rational basis upon which you can criticize and condemn the actual way in which human beings conduct their affairs and organize their society .
22 On the other hand , for those who regard language with suspicion , especially written or printed language , on the grounds that it misleads and confuses as much as it informs and expresses , eliminating words and sentences exposes a level of communication of unsuspected richness , one in which human beings express their true meanings .
23 For Spinoza the good life is ( in effect ) one in which human beings fulfil their essential natures .
24 The theory of natural selection meant that natural species could be explained in terms of the conditions necessary for their survival , and it seemed a small further step to explaining human social systems in such terms ; that is , in terms of the ways by which human beings gained their livelihood and reproduced .
25 Another possibility is very late switching — which Tory canvassers thought they detected .
26 That means a Europe in which national Governments retain the power to make proposals and in which national Parliaments retain their powers .
27 Because this book explains the many ways in which fibre-rich foods help you to shed weight , I do n't want you to imagine that they are calorie-free .
28 The media are full of stories of attacks in which black people are assaulted by gangs of white youths in the street or in which black families have their houses regularly attacked .
29 Highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the rather drunken arm-wrestling tournament during which losing contestants had their fists pressed into plates of guacamole and refried beans .
30 Then it seemed that the Lebanese civil war was one of those historical tragedies in which opposing communities fought themselves to a standstill only to be reconciled by a central government and foreign economic assistance .
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