Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] at the time " in BNC.

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1 It is important to note that the political party system in the Republic of Ireland is largely based on the divisions in the national-popular consciousness which occurred at the time of the Irish civil war .
2 This transition in the comparator output is used to generate the position detector pulse [ Fig. 7.12/1 ) ] , which occurs at the time when winding C should be switched on and therefore can be used directly as a step command .
3 Yet yesterday 's report on the Clapham crash , confirming the picture which emerged throughout the Hidden inquiry , makes an event which seemed at the time totally unexpected look almost inevitable .
4 The only evidence which seemed at the time to offer any reliable dating was that of the coins which were of sufficient interest to the nineteenth-century antiquarians for them to be recorded , although rarely in detail .
5 At least , that much Annie gathered from other discussions and the political writing which flourished at the time .
6 The accounts for the first year indicated quite clearly the recognition of the social divisions which existed at the time .
7 The educational regimes apparent in early asylums pay tribute to the humanitarian spirit which existed at the time .
8 Baroness Hooper 's letter stated that help with NHS charges for students were based on an individual assessment of ability to pay and on circumstances which existed at the time a claim was made .
9 The question whether the clause is applicable in any situation involving a Comprehensive Policy with an excess is determined by the amount of excess ’ which applies at the time of the accident e.g. in the case of a vehicle being driven by a young and/or inexperienced driver where an excess applies in addition to a general excess , the product of the two excesses will determine whether the clause should apply .
10 Section 9(4) , which operates at the time of the application for an order under the Act , looks back towards the time in relation to which the witness would give evidence if an order was made and not forward to the time at which he would do so .
11 She subscribed to a sort of education-orientated noblesse oblige which prevailed at the time , and would organize plays , and patronize enthusiastically any local concert party or visiting production , especially of Shakespeare ; and she invited me to her poetry readings , where members of the circle read poems on a prepared subject , in turn .
12 She shakes her head at the memory of the anti-commercial ‘ hardcore ’ aesthetic which prevailed at the time .
13 Other problems converged with this one , and the solution that was found constituted what seemed at the time a natural development , and seems in retrospect , the decisive start of a second stage .
14 So if you compare critical illness and death with what happens at the time , and I 've got to ask you this .
15 From the point of the mus , point of view of the museum , people always think about museums as places where you find historical objects , well we 're now creating the history of the future , so that future generations will know about , er you know , what happened at the time of , of building the motorway .
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