Example sentences of "[Wh det] [verb] her [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Carrying a heavy basket and bundle , Tess was walking towards the hills which divided her from the Vale , her place of birth .
2 Her condemnation of the home and family as the source of women 's subjection and inferiority , and her assertion that ‘ any woman who is really a rebel longs to destroy the conventions which bind her in the home as much as those which bind her in the state ’ , has a modern ring , although in practice her solution , like that of Florence Nightingale , amounted to a complete rejection of family life rather than a demand for its restructuring .
3 Her condemnation of the home and family as the source of women 's subjection and inferiority , and her assertion that ‘ any woman who is really a rebel longs to destroy the conventions which bind her in the home as much as those which bind her in the state ’ , has a modern ring , although in practice her solution , like that of Florence Nightingale , amounted to a complete rejection of family life rather than a demand for its restructuring .
4 It was in Schiaparelli that she met Tricarico , who brought her aboard the Resplendent Trogon , which led her into the presence of Balthazar Plum — and if it had n't been for all that , she would never have acquired the Alice in the first place .
5 Skirting the lakeside , she took a route which led her in the opposite direction from him .
6 Sorry , I think it 's worth noting some of the circumstances giving rise to Mrs Brown er committing the offences which bring her before the court today .
7 A longer length of rope was circled around her shoulders and under the table , then over her gorgeous breasts and downwards until her rib cage was completely covered in coiled rope , which fastened her to the hard wooden table .
8 As though she had seen something which disturbed her from the window of the apartment .
9 Tears jumped into Evelyn 's eyes and she started to hurry in the direction of the girls ' barracks , ignoring the missiles which caught her on the back and arms or dropped uselessly on either side .
10 An elderly widow who was robbed , attacked , and raped by a gang of youths was moved to sheltered dwellings with the help of the police , visited by policewomen from the unit at least once a week , and taken regularly to visit the family of one of the policewomen , which adopted her as the children 's granny .
11 It had a lethal edge now which cut her to the bone .
12 Mota , from Portugal , suffered yet again with a mysterious stomach complaint , which affected her during the last world championships .
13 The success which eluded her in the classroom did arrive but from an unexpected quarter .
14 The bleak rocks which interested her in the landscape were liberally salted with nesting gulls .
15 After the original grants to her supporters in the coup d'état of 1762 which placed her on the throne , Catherine made very few presents of this kind during the decade 1762–72 , when her dependence on noble support is usually supposed to have been at its height .
16 Nevertheless the political and diplomatic links which bound her to the rest of the continent were slowly multiplying and becoming stronger .
17 In some ways I feel her peculiar dilemma parallels my own for she described her stance as one which distanced her from the classical anthropological mode , creating a ‘ memorable adventure ’ , which she claims , ‘ has marked me for life ’ ( ibid. 22 ) .
18 For now she stuck to the road which took her to the right , towards the sea .
19 Her near nervous breakdown , which took her to the brink of giving up all she had worked for in showbusiness , was all the more surprising to outsiders given it happened in her native Australia .
20 At three-thirty Kattina appeared , and stepped into a taxi which took her into the bustling centre of Cairo .
21 She was sent out on an adventure which took her from the Annunciation to pentecost , and the questions and uncertainties built up .
22 Kim Hyon Hui , 27 , a convicted North Korean saboteur , received a presidential pardon on April 12 which exempted her from the death penalty .
23 The mockery could n't disguise the aggressive determination which chilled her to the bone .
24 Like Julian , perhaps , Teresa also had an illness that may well have had a psychological aspect and which brought her to the brink of death ; her autobiography and spiritual writings show how she brought herself a physical and spiritual healing .
25 HOLLYWOOD beauty Demi Moore once spent 30 days in hospital battling a rare kidney disease which brought her to the brink of death .
26 She describes her readers ' profession as ‘ dynamic and exciting ’ , all of which presents her with the problem of writing content erudite yet lively , weighty but not pompous .
27 Her vigorous intensity made a virtue of the circumstances which confined her to the classroom .
28 When Bruno landed his Radio One job , she followed him south , a move which put her on the road to showbiz fame when she was signed up to host Saturday morning kids ' show , Going Live .
29 As she prepares to go for gold at the World Cross Country Championships in the Spanish seaside town of Amorebieta , the South African could not help sadly recalling the drama surrounding the 1988 event which left her on the verge of a nervous breakdown .
30 The continuing emphasis on family relationships may well affect the way Japan copes with the rapid ageing of the population which faces her over the next three decades .
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