Example sentences of "[Wh det] [noun] was to be " in BNC.

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1 James has always recalled this as a happy period in his racing career : F3 was friendly , money was short , but everyone mucked in together and drivers were friends , not just gigantic slot-machines into which money was to be poured .
2 The dates and stages by which communism was to be reached disappeared entirely ; the 1986 Programme , on the contrary , noted that the party did ‘ not attempt to foresee in detail the features of full communism ’ and warned that any attempt to advance too rapidly was ‘ doomed to failure and might cause both political and economic damage ’ .
3 Four days later the Military Council , which had ruled in Georgia since the flight of Zviad Gamsakhurdia in January [ see pp. 38731-32 ] , transferred its legislative and executive powers to a newly created State Council of which Shevardnadze was to be the chair .
4 The turmoil that emerged both immediately before and after Mayer 's departure epitomized , perhaps more than in any other of the major Hollywood studios , the convulsions of change that were sweeping through the film capital , eventually spawning an underground of new , raw and raucous talent of which Nicholson was to be part .
5 There were to be brief respites from the prolonged drought , one of which Gould was to be most fortunate to encounter , but the settlers were still facing a period of unparalleled hardship .
6 It was intended to produce a secure annual income of £17 , of which £10 was to be devoted to the salary of the schoolmaster-priest in Stockport and £4 6 8d to the priest at the chapel in Longdendale .
7 Compared Angus Brown in Scarbus and confessed he practiced a charme by uttering some words with a string he held to his mouth which string was to be bound about the hand of the sick person .
8 Compared Angus Brown in Scarbus and confessed he practiced a charme by uttering some words with a string he held to his mouth which string was to be bound about the hand of the sick person .
9 In the result , Co-operation seen as an exclusive alternative to Capitalism as the means of organising society for the production of wealth was , for all practical purposes , abandoned ; and abandoned with it was trade unionism seen as the means by which capitalism was to be displaced by Co-operation .
10 Under this contract the owner had the right to nominate which sub-contractor was to be engaged by the building firm to lay the floor .
11 The defendants successfully applied to the English court for this service to be set aside on the grounds that personal service by the agent of a foreign litigant without the approval of the Swiss authorities was a criminal offence under the Swiss Penal Code and could not be regarded as valid service , as no English court could authorise service which was contrary to the internal law of the country in which service was to be effected .
12 In addition , the case was decided under the provisions of the Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 , under which reasonableness was to be assessed at the time of breach .
13 Obviously there was a complete contradiction between the two policies , and at 2135 hrs that evening Eighth Army signalled AFHQ IKP 213 ] for an urgent ruling on which policy was to be followed : " Reference your FX-75383 dated 14 [ the " Robertson order " of 14 May ] stating all Russians to be handed over to Soviet forces and SHAEF 399 FWD stating Cossacks accepted by 12 Army Group .
14 On April 9 the UN appealed for $400,000,000 , of which $238,500,000 was to be allocated to the UNHCR to cover the most urgent needs of an estimated 1,500,000 refugees in Iran and Turkey over three months .
15 He replaced the overlapping chancelleries with colleges in which efficiency was to be ensured by the mutual responsibility of thirteen top officials in each , and which at least in theory had more clearly defined duties .
16 Progress on the Lesotho Highlands Water Project , expected to become an important additional source of income and employment , was not expected to be affected by the political crisis in February 1990 ; the military government confirmed its intention of proceeding with the scheme under which hydroelectricity was to be generated in Lesotho and water was to be diverted from a catchment area in Lesotho to South Africa 's industrial heartland in the Transvaal [ see pp. 31304 ; 34789 ; 35815 ] .
17 But in July Mary of Guise was able to fight back more successfully , and at the end of the month the two sides made another truce , by which Edinburgh was to be free to choose its religion , and Catholic observance was not to be reinstated where it had been suppressed .
18 It may well be that he could be described as a statutory tenant ; but that description would not itself accurately define his precise position , for he was a statutory tenant against whom a final order had been made , under which possession was to be delivered up on a fixed date , 3 April 1950 , he having died on the previous 8 March .
19 In the spring of 1325 Isabella reached an agreement with Charles under which Gascony was to be occupied by the French until Edward did homage to Charles , when the duchy would be restored to him .
20 Essentially viceroy of the newly conquered lands , his position suggests the confidence which Edward placed in him ; and he may have had some influence , as his Savoyard friends and kinsmen certainly did , on the design of the castles by which Wales was to be held down .
21 Most first and second generation computers had such an instruction to stop the computer , the instruction sometimes containing a store address at which execution was to be resumed upon suitable manual intervention .
22 Later cases witnessed the ‘ competitive invocation ’ of the two tests , the authority whose decision was to be impugned claiming that the applicant still had to satisfy the higher hurdle of real likelihood of bias .
23 There the chairs of the various committees would haggle to bring the total additional claims down to some acceptable consequent rate increase and to decide whose budget was to be trimmed most .
24 The Syrians ensured the continuation of Maronite rule by arranging for the installation of Elias Sarkis , a banker of political probity whose rule was to be marked by the further collapse of the country he promised to save .
25 The first two tasks , though hideously difficult , were at least relatively straightforward ; the third posed the problem which is at the heart of Peter Dennis 's book : whose law was to be restored and what civilian authority should take over ?
26 He referred to Inwood , whose name was to be kept alive at the new hospital , and which had been likened to a ‘ five star hotel ’ , and where patients had particular cause to be grateful to the town 's GP 's who were so conveniently on hand at the Health Centre .
27 From Kintu sprang all the Masai , whose life was to be a great odyssey .
28 It is impossible to confine a discussion of Europe 's economy solely to Europe ; it was already by 1880 a part — the dominant part — of a world economy whose organization was to be elaborated even more before 1914 .
29 The L'Isle Jourdain were an ancient family , which had produced the twelfth-century bishop of Comminges , St Bertrand , whose cult was to be promoted by pope Clement V between 1290 and 1314 .
30 In years to come Karelius was often to reflect that this was the first time he had heard mention of the man whose destiny was to be so closely entwined with his own .
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