Example sentences of "[that] [pron] is [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 To say either that someone acts authoritatively or that someone is responsible for his actions may depend upon the possibility of ascribing mental states or capacities but neither is merely a shorthand way of ascribing them .
2 That she is concerned for him and wishes to assure herself as to his welfare is understandable , but that look of shining radiance is a trifle puzzling .
3 Instead , one has to adopt the effective theory that one has free will and that one is responsible for one 's actions .
4 Department of Transport inspectors are due down at his boat the Helga Maria today to check that everything is shipshape for the 4,000 mile trip , and Jack hopes to set off tomorrow .
5 When nuns make vows of celibacy they are saying that something is true for them in particular but that it does not belong to them .
6 I do not think that there is much for us to be proud about in the fact that the Prime Minister has relegated Britain to a second division of countries that can survive only by having low pay because they have low skills .
7 Vera et al. believe that there is potential for improving productivity , including the introduction of legume-rich swards , though as yet the developments in cropping have far exceeded efforts to improve pasture lands .
8 Wolpe argues , therefore , that there is potential for change through struggle ; there is no simple functional ‘ fit ’ between education and the demands of the labour market .
9 At this hour , artificial light will be all the light there is , and your main job the night before will be to ensure that there is sufficient for your purposes .
10 Now it will not always be the case that it is optimal for the less risk-averse party to take on all the risk .
11 However , it will certainly be true that it is optimal for a risk-neutral party to take all risk from a risk-averse party ( try A or B bargaining with C ) and it would seem sensible that a more risk-averse party should optimally take on less of the risk than a less risk-averse one .
12 Given the B's believe that A uses this strategy , we will show that it is optimal for A to use this strategy .
13 We now describe A 's optimal response to B t 's behaviour and show that it is optimal for A to use the simple form of strategy first postulated .
14 If we accept that it is reasonable for Health to sell its message in this way , why are we wary of religion ?
15 Nevertheless you do say , do you not , that it is reasonable for this enquiry to consider access to the site , to D thirty nine and D forty , in general terms ?
16 Section 2 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1986 amends s. 6(4) of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 so as to provide that it is unlawful for a person to discriminate against a woman :
17 Even the most ardent advocates of exchange rate flexibility no longer maintain that it is feasible for a country to pursue independent policy objectives in isolation from the rest of the world .
18 In re Findlay [ 1985 ] A.C. 318 accepts , as it seems to me , that it is legitimate for the Home Secretary to form his own view .
19 But he may have been observing the traditional superstition that it is unlucky for the bridegroom to see the bride on the eve of her wedding .
20 I accept [ counsel 's ] submission that it is relevant for this court to have regard to the fact that in Australia there is no longer any home or any financial support for the mother and for the boys , a situation for which the mother bears no greater responsibility than the father .
21 However , the prevailing view seems to be that it is preferable for women to withdraw from the labour market rather than for men to have to retire five years earlier .
22 In January 1937 , Nizan asked rhetorically : " Is it going to be argued now that it is preferable for Spain to be sacrificed ? "
23 Printed information in books , bibliographies and guides has the advantage that it is available for use , as and when required .
24 Printed material , available in many forms , has the advantage that it is available for use , as and when required .
25 LIFESPAN has successfully created the charge code and ensured that it is available for use .
26 However , I would add that it is best for you to experiment with your paper stretching technique .
27 It is generally thought that it is helpful for managers and clinicians to be aware of the variations between maternity units and knowing where their own unit stands .
28 It argues that it is impractical for countries to protect their interests by patenting plant species .
29 While some workers believe that the best place for a child is within a family , and that it is better for a child to be placed transracially than to have no family , anxiety is increasing about the outcome of transracial placements .
30 In the fourth Gospel Jesus tells his followers , heart-broken because he is going to leave them , that it is better for them that he should do so :
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