Example sentences of "a hour the " in BNC.

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1 For over an hour the meeting wrestled with an undefined problem in the order .
2 After about an hour the shelling stopped and was followed by sporadic mortar and machine gun fire , the latter cutting up the ground along the front of the orchard facing the enemy positions .
3 About twelve midnight the German positions in the village were over-run , and for about an hour the enemy mortaring in the farm area ceased .
4 After half an hour the bus started and moved us seventy metres , to the nearest plane , the one we could have walked to , with less effort and staying warmer .
5 After half an hour the gathering breaks up and the recruits escort their visitors off to lunch , or on a tour of camp for yet more photographs .
6 After half an hour the first English injury occurred , Andy Lloyd going into the record books as the possessor of the briefest of all Test careers .
7 It was his inspiration to claim that ‘ At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in this new Rolls Royce comes from the electric clock . ’
8 So I let her just pass , and said , ‘ Oh , darling , I am looking for a new ‘ element ’ … ’ ; and after half an hour the manager came back to me and said that she was sitting upstairs weeping .
9 For an hour the three of us crouched inside the leaking tent .
10 The liquid dispersed the frost , but within an hour the ground was freezing again .
11 The Dutch oven is a large iron pot on legs with heavy iron top ; a bed of coals is placed under it and on top of the lid and in about half an hour the food is cooked .
12 After an hour the bodies relax , spiritual delight is increased , and new horizons are revealed with the renewal of strength . ’
13 No , maybe not at high speed , but at twenty-five , thirty miles an hour the Canadian can do a lot of damage .
14 ‘ Within an hour the headache had vanished , the sickness was fading and I felt bright enough to be able to go out . ’
15 After about an hour the Fulmar suddenly accelerated and climbed away .
16 For an hour the two women sat in silent prayer , nervously scanning the other customers .
17 For an hour the uproar continued .
18 After an hour the sun clouded over , so they picked up their things and started back towards the fence where they had left their bicycles .
19 Within half an hour the wings are fully distended so that the two sides of the bag meet flat against one another enclosing the veins between them .
20 After three quarters of an hour the advocates were informed that they had decided to defer any statement of their reasons and their conclusion as to the appropriate orders for a period of approximately 10 days until 3 February 1992 .
21 Rostov decided that it was easier to go in search of what would pass in the Simonova for a command bridge than it was to remain in his quarters , while Vorontseff attempted to eradicate within the space of an hour the accumulated disarray of several years of civilian occupation .
22 After an hour the ship emerged from the jungle , and the Shermans found themselves gazing across an open alluvial plain dotted with isolated clumps of palm .
23 ‘ After half an hour the barrage was moving over the village .
24 After a quarter of an hour the sick Du Camp had had enough .
25 After well over an hour the race was abandoned as the fleet slowly drifted backwards out of the harbour .
26 It took us over an hour the following morning to get through this pass , a notorious place for ambushes .
27 For an hour the guests sat patiently listening ; then everybody got up and , with the air of people who have been thinking of little else for some time , demolished the langoor ( free food ) which was waiting for them at the rear of the house .
28 Within an hour the two women had decided which patterns to order , and Myra settled at her typewriter while Claudia perched on the edge of her desk to phone Dana .
29 For half an hour the fun goes out of things .
30 These were not equal , the afternoon session being an hour the longer .
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