Example sentences of "['s] [noun] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 These coffins , England 's response in lead to the Egyptian mummy case , became fashionable in the fifteenth century and were still to be seen in some areas in the last decade of the seventeenth century , though they were beginning to decline in popularity during the 1660s and 1670s .
2 Associated Tunnelling Co Ltd the Employment Appeals Tribunal ( EAT ) held that the tribunal had correctly concluded that there was an implied term in Mr Jones 's contract of employment to the effect that his employer had the right to transfer him to any site within reasonable daily commuting reach of his home .
3 In doing so I wanted not to reduce , say , Gide 's or Fanon 's defence of difference to the limiting historical conditions of its articulation — the first as merely a sexual tourist , the second as developing a homophobic theory of Negrophobia .
4 Not everyone was wholly approving of Wigg 's activities in relation to Profumo — and indeed on many other matters .
5 Scottish stalwart Ann Packard has received the 1993 Chairman 's Award for services to BAIE .
6 As far as one can assess the merit of Levin 's text in relation to its subject , it seems somewhat implausible that Debord can be all the things for which he is proclaimed .
7 Among the individual stocks , Northern Electricity 's rise from 240p to 258p was typical .
8 It is with a feeling of sadness that we consider it necessary to express our reservations about Winnie Mandela 's judgement in relation to the Mandela Football Club .
9 Thus instead of following the traditional linear progression of the allegory — a development towards contemplation based on Jacob 's union with Rachel after his marriage to Leah — Hilton is more interested in emphasising the coexistence of the two wives : In his reference to another facet of the story , that concerning Jacob 's change of name to Israel , allegorised as a man seeing God , Hilton does suggest a progression in contemplation for his pupil saying that he will become Israel , that is , fully contemplative , in the next world , certainly , and possibly even in this if his circumstances change so that he is relieved of worldly responsibility altogether .
10 I would therefore vote for a Labour candidate only if he or she guarantees opposition to the party manifesto 's support for abortion to the extent of denying the Whip .
11 Law centres employ full-time staff , including lawyers , and will handle a client 's case from beginning to end , including representation in court or at a tribunal .
12 Such a rule would prevent solicitors handling the client 's case from start to finish .
13 Here Braverman ( 1974 ) buttresses Marx 's case by reference to the ‘ Babbage principle ’ .
14 Through faith Christ 's presence — which does not depend on the individual 's faith in order to be the Lord 's real gift of himself to his Church — becomes no longer just a presence for the believer , but also a presence with him .
15 The Court of Appeal considered whether an adjudicator 's decision in a construction contract ( see 6.8.5 ) was enforceable as an arbitration award , and decided that it was not , but their judgment was based on the interim nature of the adjudicator 's decision pending arbitration to which the decision would be subject , and not on any of the usual characteristics of experts ' decisions : the interim nature of adjudicators ' decisions is itself untypical of experts ' decisions .
16 He had heard of me from some of his colleagues and asked to see me to discuss the Labour Party 's decision in relation to the litigation it had brought , with my guidance , against the Manchester Guardian as a result of the leaks from the National Executive .
17 Gran Gelato Ltd v Richcliff Group Ltd held that misstatements by a landlord 's solicitors in replies to inquiries could not result in an action ( of negligence ) against the solicitors , but that such replies were given on behalf of the landlord .
18 Nursery owner Paul Hutchinson has been able to keep track of Wally 's progress through reports to police from startled motorists who spotted him hopping along roads in the area .
19 Does it not presuppose man 's progress from primitive to sophisticated ways of life , and does it not suggest on the basis of a progressive increase of ahi sā a movement from a less good to a better form of life ?
20 Moving along Uhlandstrasse , we come upon the Dieter Brusberg gallery on Kurfürstendamm , where Dieter Hacker 's progress from panels to theatrical effects can be seen until 27 June .
21 Mr Chuan 's progress from trading to banking to manufacturing is typical of the breed , says David Scott , the Bangkok representative of W.I. Carr , a stockbroker , and author of a study of Thailand 's nine top families .
22 erm anyone who has read the Portrait of the Artist will know the dizzying swings of feeling that chart Stephen 's progress from arrogance to abjectness , from despair to hope , from self-sufficiency , to the craving for comfort , or the voluptuousness of renunciation .
23 Music How kd KOd Nashville Catherine Warren traces C&W 's progress from backwoods to mainstream
24 This approach has many parallels with empowerment in the developmental model , the main differences lying in the social worker 's level of commitment to the existing social order .
25 We assume in ( 4 ) that the gains to be had from following the custom of membership are modified by an individual 's level of commitment to unionism , or evaluation of the reputation from unionism , given by .
26 The disposing Party will provide an auditor 's certificate in relation to the disposal and will refund to the Lead Organization such amount as may be claimed by the Secretary of State in respect of such disposal .
27 But it was really Ben 's story from beginning to end .
28 It was clear beyond doubt that the jury were not treating the guilty plea as merely making the background accurate : but , on the contrary , after the judge 's direction in reply to their question , must have treated it as going to proof of the guilt of the appellant .
29 Isabella 's plea to Edward to ‘ have pity on gentle Mortimer ’ was brushed aside , and Edward ordered him to be arrested and placed in safe custody .
30 We will not support the Government 's proposals in relation to the maintenance of quality in higher education because we think that it is wrong for the people who determine quality in higher education to be the same as those who determine funding —
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