Example sentences of "and i wondered " in BNC.

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1 It was growing dark as I walked down the pier alone , his jacket draped over my shoulders , and I wondered if I should really look for Wilde at all .
2 The dazed expression had almost left her face and I wondered if she might not have had a slight stroke when Celia abandoned her , and was now recovering .
3 ‘ I 've just heard that Harry Pollitt is addressing a meeting in Parkhead and I wondered if you 'd fancy coming with me ? ’
4 It was by now that and I wondered whether chilli had been a good choice for a hot meal .
5 I have not heard back from you since then , and I wondered if you could please confirm that you are still interested in receiving a copy of the tape ?
6 There was quite a crowd at the bank of the loch and I wondered why they were all there , whether they were genuinely concerned about you or perhaps that death had some awful attraction for them .
7 Having felt pain , I knew I was not dreaming , and I wondered if I had gone mad , though the fact that I had hallucinated , and had shown myself to have such a naive view of God , would be sufficient proof for some .
8 His face was grey with hatred and I wondered if he was going to hit me .
9 It was much too big and I wondered if I should always have to wear these clothes .
10 Thoreau wrote of an Eternal City of the West , and for long , I groped to understand what he meant by it and I still do not know ; but one evening I saw in the brick red mass of cloud and fire of the sunset what seemed like a great city of the West and I wondered if this was Thoreau 's vision of America .
11 As I scrubbed away at my remaining teeth I reflected upon the number of obituaries of men in their early sixties which I 'd read in The Times over the course of the past few weeks , and I wondered whether the Great Reaper was running a special line in the age group for some divine , mysterious end , and if so , I thought , I might be next , and then they 'd be sorry .
12 ‘ The reason I 'm calling , actually , is that my wallet seems to have disappeared and I wondered whether I could possibly have left it there . ’
13 ‘ I was here when you was collecting for the Foundling Hospital yesterday , and I wondered if a shilling would help .
14 It was too dark to see anything and I wondered whether to call out .
15 At first the strange staccato sentences and the inattention to euphony struck harshly on my ear , and I wondered , Can she write ?
16 I could n't see the point in reviving it — and I wondered whether anyone on stage could , either .
17 I looked around and was excited by it all , and I wondered to myself given the chance , who could possibly want to miss all this ?
18 He had sounded immensely sad as he spoke , and I wondered if the girl had meant more to him than being merely a casual friend , but I did not like to ask and Maggovertski was clearly disinclined to explain more , so I just stared down at the aerial chart , and I suddenly noticed , in an otherwise empty space beneath an intersection of two air corridors , the tiny island of Murder Cay .
19 And I thought it really had been a very good life , a fun life , despite Ellen never having gone to bed with me , and I wondered if my father would even notice my death , then the Maggot whooped with glee , hauled back on the stick , and our plane was screaming up into the wide blue lovely bullet-free sky and the Maggot was laughing and slapping my shoulder .
20 Rickie was literally dancing in circles around me as I walked down the dock towards his sister , but then he paused in his frenetic progress to light one cigarette from the stump of another , and I wondered just what perverted fate decreed that such a boy should receive a legacy of six million dollars .
21 Hell was being without God , I thought , but I said nothing , just stared instead at the white wash of cabin light on the rushing water , and I wondered why some people could take cocaine and just walk away from it , while others ended up in hell , or in a peep-show which was probably the same thing .
22 It was a house made as they once made their ships and I wondered how many would now learn either craft .
23 Mercifully , I was able to complete all I had to do within a very few days and I wondered whether the Sheikh had put a few words in the right ears .
24 One thing I know for certain is that after completing the first pitch it was only my experience as a climber to the lower E grades that got me through , and I wondered how a non-climber might have got on using the same information .
25 I certainly still dream about cichlids I would like to own , and I wondered briefly if I could blue the lot on fish .
26 For I could tell that he was a little rusty , and I wondered if sometimes this affable and agreeable companion was worried because he knew that he was not keeping up with the strides that modern medicine was taking .
27 A doctor sometimes sees people with a different eye from other people , and I wondered for a moment whether , despite her beauty and her apparently special position on the island , she was really happy .
28 He paused again and gazed over my shoulder and I wondered what was coming next .
29 He reckoned to do most of his business in the bars and hospitality tents during the tournaments , and I wondered if he could remember the details after all the champagne .
30 Obviously this was no problem to the American buyers who were out in force and I wondered whether within fifty years all the antiques in Britain would end up in America and we would be confined to department-store replicas .
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