Example sentences of "[n mass] [coord] [pron] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Phenomenologists believe that it is impossible to produce factual data and it is therefore impossible to produce and check causal explanations .
2 The basic marriage service fee in the Church of England is £39 and there is sometimes and additional parish clerk 's fee of £10 .
3 They 've always married near kin and there is just no cousinage .
4 The vibration from breaking up the concrete floor certainly would disturb your fish but there is also the added problem of lime dust from the work contaminating the pond .
5 The Prudential 's Cash Haven requires a minimum investment of £1,000 but there is also a regular savings scheme with a minimum deposit of £25 a month .
6 The weight of the electronic version is 250 g and it is about 185 mm long .
7 The principle used to have particular importance in relation to damage caused by straying livestock but there is now a specific statutory rule in Animals Act 1971 , s. 7 .
8 Consumer public relations depends on using to the full this part of the media and it is generally accepted that any consultant working in this field will have contacts within the appropriate media .
9 Her previous publications have addressed family care and community care in relation to older people and she is currently researching alternative forms of long term care for this group .
10 of all referrals are from single people and there is simply not enough suitable housing for this client group ’ .
11 People are people and there is more in common than there is to separate them .
12 There may come a point when the rights and needs of other people have to be taken into account in the planning which is done for old people and it is morally unacceptable to take a stance which disregards others ' interests .
13 It is most common in older people and it is often believed that there is no cure because it is a sign that the body is wearing out .
14 The oilbird 's hearing falls off rapidly above about 6000 hertz and it is most sensitive to sounds around 2000 hertz , which is the main frequency of its clicks .
15 Many patients have the highest praise for the effectiveness of communication with hospital staff but there is also , undoubtedly , a lot of criticism , and it is useful to outline some of the problems which can arise when a patient is admitted to hospital .
16 This is the theory of social evolution which flourished in the nineteenth century from the stimulus of Darwin 's Origin of Species and which is most closely associated with Herbert Spencer .
17 Hawksmoor , who had already had a great deal of experience as an architect , was brought in as clerk of works and it is quite likely that the design was by both men .
18 ‘ It used to be really good for scarce reedbed species but it is so dry now its basic birds are tawny owl and whitethroat and there has got to be something wrong with that .
19 Like the formal approach to organisations , such charts give us a picture of how an organisation works but it is only a partial picture and misses out on the crucial aspect of how people behave within organisations .
20 When I joined the company it was capitalised at about £4m and it is now capitalised at about £1.4bn .
21 The helical angle varies between about 6° and about 30° but what is really remarkable is that the direction of the twist or helix — which may be either right — or left-handed — is always the same in any one tree .
22 Erm brighter on the side which is furthest away from us , and the fact that he 's er , he or she , is eating a , you know a piece of fruit or something is quite appealing .
23 This year 's champions will take away £200 , the runners-up awarded £100 and there is also £50 for each of the losing semi-finalists .
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