Example sentences of "be scope for " in BNC.

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1 There might , indeed , have been scope for compromise on some of these issues .
2 The Councils of both Societies , in agreeing to support the publication of the new journal , took a conscious decision that it should contain only papers of the highest quality , and that papers from Scotland 's universities , and papers on Scottish geology , should form the major part of the publication , although there has always been scope for the publication of papers on other areas , including some important theoretical papers .
3 Nonetheless , in both companies there has been scope for local initiative on the margin of national agreements , and at times in violation of them .
4 There should be scope for at least 256 instructions traced before the trigger and possibly 256 instructions traced after the trigger .
5 Nevertheless , the large number of organisations involved and the fact that their activities are not centrally co-ordinated as in Northern Ireland , suggests that there may be scope for confusion or conflict between them .
6 There ought to be scope for feedback , a chance for you to express whatever thoughts or concerns you may have at the time .
7 While there is some research activity in linking statistical models to GIS there would seem to be scope for further applications of operations research techniques to GIS problems .
8 If they still wanted to expand their original business there are other ways of doing so : there might be scope for a small hotel at L'Auberge , for instance , or for outside catering around Chelmslow , or they might even capitalize on George 's knowledge of French wines by setting up an off-licence and specialist wine importation business .
9 There may also be scope for new approaches to the care of elderly severely mentally infirm people now in hospital .
10 Even under ‘ socialism ’ there will be scope for quite genuine conflicts of interest between regions , localities and enterprises .
11 Democratic mechanisms must be conceived as operating at different levels : within the operating units there may be scope for direct participative democracy perhaps also involving factory committees in close touch with the workforce ; at the level of the enterprise , direct democracy would probably be impractical and some form of representative mechanism would be required .
12 It also suggests that there may be scope for significantly reducing the number of committals without interfering with the defendant 's right to opt for jury trial .
13 Williams argues in this issue that there should be scope for a third verdict ( in addition to ‘ guilty ’ or ‘ not guilty ’ of abusing market power ) , where the market situation , though not the firms ' conduct , is not conducive to competition or economic efficiency , and on this basis is to be declared to be against the public interest .
14 No account of social policy making should disregard the potential influence of these ‘ good causes ’ , however much there may be scope for controversy about their real power in situations where interests are-in conflict .
15 The meeting should only set broad parameters for the worker , then there would be scope for genuine negotiation , with the parent 's real agreement .
16 With this resource behind us there must be scope for creating a successful enterprise .
17 In many companies there would undoubtedly be scope for reducing staff , or at any rate switching resources to more productive tasks , bearing in mind that the system reduces recruitment administration to one tenth of the time required under a manual system .
18 In other words , there must be scope for :
19 Nevertheless , there will be scope for the display of imagination , originality and business background and fulfilling the role and developing the scenario .
20 There would appear to be scope for institutions and policy makers to reduce barriers to participation particularly for the financially disadvantaged .
21 there may be scope for closer integration of departmental reviews and audit programmes , in respect of objectives and results , and for more formal follow-up procedures .
22 Free market equilibrium will not equate marginal cost and marginal benefit and there will be scope for Pareto gains .
23 At a press conference concluding the visit Shevardnadze told a Japanese journalist that while the Soviet Union regarded its frontiers with Japan as being fixed in international law , there might be scope for " amendment " through " negotiations based on rational dialogue " and within the broader context of concluding a formal peace treaty .
24 Furthermore , there would be scope for an argument that the plaintiff 's loss flowed not so much from the inclusion of the non-commercial venture restriction in the domestic legislation as from the unduly narrow interpretation of that phrase by the domestic courts .
25 There may also be scope for working with voluntary organisations .
26 Continuity and progression have to be built in to the programme and there has to be scope for differentiation and extension .
27 There may , for instance , be scope for a ‘ green VAT ’ as part of the harmonisation of indirect taxes .
28 If a covenant goes further than necessary to protect the value of the transferred business , it is conceptually very difficult to see how there will be scope for exemption under Article 85(3) .
29 There may be scope for similar challenges to an expert 's decision arising from other aspects of the contract between the parties : for instance , the conditions precedent to the right to refer a dispute to an expert may not have been met , in which case the entire reference will be premature .
30 Before we seek authorisation for the production phase , it will be necessary for each nation to restate or modify it 's planned off take and that will be done very firmly on the basis of the studies which er Group Captain Granville White has already d described which will factor in er against our military tasks , which is , y you know we define now fairly clearly , er exactly what aircraft are needed to undertake those tasks in what scenarios and in the future er as you say , there may well be scope for er adding additional aircraft types to that .
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