Example sentences of "be reported to " in BNC.

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1 Nine such cases have been reported to AI since 25 November 1990 .
2 After disappearing for 48 hours the matter has been reported to the police in Punta del Este and Montevideo .
3 We are not talking of resurrection experiences here but of people needing to see for themselves what has been reported to them , so that the fact becomes obvious and denial or alternative explanations are less credible .
4 I am pleased to announce that no decompression fatalities have been reported to DDRC this year .
5 The prevalence rate of hypercholesterolaemia in diabetics has been reported to be similar to the non-diabetic population , that is from 8 per cent to as high as 52 per cent ( Hayes , 1972 ) .
6 This has happened to us and has been reported to us by many other couples .
7 About 200 horse attacks had been reported to the police by the time the mystery was brought to national attention by journalist Siewert Oholm 's TV programme Svar direkt on 25 February 1992 .
8 ‘ I am appalled , ’ he told ACCOUNTANCY , ‘ that when a company is trading £0.5m in the red , when it has failed to file its accounts , and when it has been reported to a DTI Minister , there is still no failsafe mechanism to pick the matter up . ’
9 He added that , as Panel procedures dictate , Trafalgar 's auditors , Touche Ross , have been reported to the appropriate regulatory body , since the accounts were unqualified .
10 ‘ The matter has not , as yet , been reported to the Soviet Supreme Command .
11 ‘ But no specific incidents have yet been reported to either of the national associations .
12 ( Incidentally , the unreliability of the radio had been reported to the Civil Governor some time before , and it was his responsibility to replace it ) .
13 He had been given the opportunity to resign , but declined , and was then suspended , after which the matter had been reported to the Minister of Health , who subsequently consented to his dismissal .
14 The decrease in total cGMP has been reported to be only 10–15% ( ref. 24 ) , but the decrease in free cGMP has not yet been measured .
15 We shall start , in Chapter 3 , with the hunt for an offender after a sex crime has been reported to the police .
16 Responses to hypoglycaemia in a laboratory setting have been reported to be different in patients taking human and animal insulin .
17 Endometrial reactions with the antibody CA125 have been reported to be 84% sensitive in frozen sections .
18 Tribromoethanol has been reported to be irritant to the viscera of mice and this can cause intestinal problems and death .
19 In the forty-odd experimental studies that have been reported to date on periods of sleep loss longer than two days , hallucinations have been uncommon , tending to affect individuals in solitary vigils , rather than those in groups .
20 It had been reported to the Committee by schools operating such a series of tests that the motivation of their pupils was increased because tests at different levels provide both an incentive and evidence of progress over several terms .
21 Mushroom polyps have been reported to severely damage other soft corals , such as leather corals , which are not usually aggressive species , and to engage in territorial fighting with hard corals , by discharging toxic secretions from their body cavities .
22 Such has been reported to be the case by some authors ( Subirana , 1969 ; Luria , 1970 ) but not by others ( Russell and Espir , 1961 ; Newcombe and Ratcliff , 1973 ) .
23 There was a particularly piquant episode when it had been reported to him that a meeting had allegedly taken place somewhere in the country , where Jenkins was supposed to have organised his cabal .
24 The presence of antibody to the human derived epitope GOR has been reported to be associated with chronic hepatitis C virus infection .
25 The administration of additional inspired oxygen seemed to be of benefit ; in 15 patients with baseline hypoxaemia this would be expected as episodic desaturation has been reported to be more severe if baseline hypoxaemia is present .
26 In patients with a macroadenoma ( >1 cm in diameter ) of the pituitary a plasma prolactin concentration of >4000 mU/l , >6000 mU/l , or >8000 mU/l has been reported to be diagnostic of a prolactin secreting adenoma .
27 Editor , — Albert Figueras and colleagues describe 17 cases of acute motor polyneuropathy presumably associated with the administration of gangliosides that have previously been reported to the Spanish drug surveillance system .
28 One of the two patients was of British origin without any known Sephardic or central European ancestry , which has been reported to be associated with the mutation at codon 200 .
29 Low birth weight has been reported to be associated with reduced lung function or with respiratory illness in children , adolescents , and adults .
30 Even when incontinence has been reported to the general practitioner the use of available facilities ( for example , continence advisers ) is limited .
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