Example sentences of "[vb infin] [coord] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With this in mind , the BBC has bought the rights to a clutch of old black-and-white feature films , which it hopes people will buy or rent for lazy Sunday afternoon viewing .
2 The novel administrative tasks of industrialized and competing nation — states — public education , public welfare , urbanization — all create powerful pressures for centralization and bureaucratization , none of which would lessen or disappear under socialist governments .
3 If we can not predict or cope with major discontinuities should we bother about them ?
4 Much attention has been given to the seemingly altruistic behaviour of dolphins , with various authors citing such examples as the way cetaceans will assist or stand by other ill , injured or stranded animals even to the point of their own death .
5 None the less , Salmon did know and correspond with other Ranters and sectarians associated with them , and he was imprisoned with Coppe and Wyke .
6 Each company is given considerable autonomy so it can know and respond to local markets .
7 The ozone layer ( spread out between 12 and 50km above the Earth ) , has always existed and , left to its own devices , will regenerate and interact with other airborne gases to create a perfect balance .
8 Supported by the Countryside Commission , the Countryside Comes to Town was designed to help people enjoy and learn from first-hand experience about the Trust 's work in the countryside .
9 I think what I w ill do is wait and watch until late afternoon .
10 You should wait and look for other improvements to follow .
11 The US National Commission on Air Quality ( 1981 ) typically found that models may overpredict or underpredict from actual concentrations by a factor of two .
12 Do not dress or interfere with severe burns until expert help is available but do treat the shock .
13 A toy should not have sharp edges or be small enough to be swallowed or jammed in the throat , neither should it break or tear into dangerous pieces .
14 I have already identified more than one type of contradiction ; those that can exist between one 's fantasies and what one would actually do or enjoy in real life , and those that can exist between one 's understanding of the oppressive nature of some discourse or practice and one 's continuing investment of desire and finding of pleasure in it .
15 The Act also empowers the Secretary of State to define the structure and content of each of these subjects in considerable detail , and to specify what pupils of different abilities should study and achieve at various ages .
16 You must either study and cater for existing markets or create hew markets for your own special products .
17 He says : ‘ In the sectors we are targeting , the need is for a highly specialist sales force which can identify and respond to ever-changing demands .
18 It is the peculiar human ability to re-organize and re-describe and re-evaluate from novel points of view that makes for the superiority of the consultants over any set of bibliographical instruments , as well as the human ability to recognize a question as misconceived or stupid .
19 They can fetch and carry for other Goblin or Orc races , and do other rather limited tasks , but they are little use for any real work .
20 By making do and searching for essential materials — in a war-torn country — a production unit was created in the University Pathology laboratory and enough crude penicillin was extracted for further essential laboratory experiments and to treat several patients in the Radcliffe Infirmary half a mile away .
21 In this paper , we focus on those results of our research that ( 1 ) suggest that profession-centred approaches to social service provision should be modified ; ( 2 ) team models of practice need to be more widely adopted ; ( 3 ) both professionals and paraprofessionals need specific training for effective team functioning ; ( 4 ) paraprofessional training must affirm and build upon indigenous characteristics and skills ; and ( 5 ) more attention needs to be devoted to career advancement opportunities for paraprofessional personnel .
22 Would bathe and put on fresh clothes .
23 The rhetorical approach stresses that ideologies do not necessarily function to suppress argumentation and thinking , but provide the elements with which people can think and argue about everyday life ( Billig et al . ,
24 What was at issue in that case was the right to acquire , use or dispose of immovable property on the territory of another member state ; the court held that that right was the ‘ corollary ’ of freedom of establishment .
25 The capability of being able to codify , store and build upon human expert knowledge has profound organisational advantages in the way personnel can be both trained and supported .
26 I could n't run and play like other kids and , inevitably , they called me names .
27 Let this woman divorce and disappear for good .
28 Then Brian Pendreigh will begin and tell of political correctness in children 's books which some authors now fear amounts to censorship
29 What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people ?
30 What , for example , can be made of an operational policy statement that reads : " The objectives of the team are : to build an informed and accurate picture of the needs of mentally handicapped people and their familieS in the area with special reference to social , cultural and environmental factors ; to develop policies and models of practice that are sensitive to the identified needs and to initiate new approaches to the care and support of mentally handicapped people as appropriate ; to encourage the participation of mentally handicapped people and their familieS in the planning and evaluation of services ; to put forward proposals for and be involved in initiating an independent advocacy scheme ; to achieve better coordination for services for mentally handicapped people through the multidisciplinary operation of the CMHT and by establishing good liaison with all relevant agencies ; to plan and assist in the rehabilitation of mentally handicapped people from hospital and residential care to family , semi-independent and independent living in conjunction with other professionals and agencies ; to publicise and create better public understanding of the needs and potentials of mentally handicapped people and to encourage the local community to become more positively involved in their care and support ; to gather , collate and disseminate as appropriate information about relevant services , events and new developments .
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