Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [vb past] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My doctors came and went , with heavy hands and heavy breath , to admire my new gurgles and whimpers , my more spectacular twitches , my athletic jolts .
2 One of my mates went and put all my money in the phone you know to phone Billy .
3 Her torso itched as it puffed up like a flightless bird 's , and her legs dwindled and divided into a clump of Cthulhoid tentacles .
4 The two nurseries were damp discarded places , their ceilings blistered and flaking like old orange peel where rain had forced its way backwards from blocked gutters .
5 The linoleum beneath her feet shone and sparkled .
6 The Ironclaw Orcs lived around the Iron Rock for many years , and their fortunes rose and fell with the accustomed regularity of Orc tribes .
7 In other chambers men , lords and their retainers sat and gossiped about what would happen next .
8 A glorious red butterfly with sapphire blue eyes on its wingtips fluttered and curtsied in front of me , moorland sheep scuttled reluctantly off the track as I ploughed towards them and a group of walkers cursed as they struggled up the bank .
9 Their staves rose and fell steadily , the men swinging them high above their heads with a measured and deliberate rhythm born of long practice .
10 Somewhere outside , an oxcart was making its way up the steep hill upon which the Quinta de Santo António stood , and its wheels creaked and groaned abominably .
11 All were naked to the waist , and their bodies quivered and trembled rhythmically to the beat of their instruments .
12 Their wings flared and beat the air .
13 Its members declared that divorce by consent would lead to social disaster .
14 Robyn gripped the fountain until her knuckles whitened and spoke with a great deal of effort , concentrating on forming her words so that they did n't sound slurred .
15 Its legs were splayed out at awkward angles on the rug , and its flanks rose and fell with the deep breaths of sleep .
16 Her hands sweated and soaked the steering-wheel .
17 And I know a lot of things too with the girls who came to us , we tried to erm give them er a sense of their worth as a women and not to constantly be oppressed and to accept erm what their boyfriends did or said , and so on .
18 We found him sitting regally cross-legged on the floor , surrounded by elders chewing tobacco , their mouths rouged and swollen with betelnut juice .
19 Her breasts quivered and gathered the attention of every male in the vicinity .
20 Her breasts rose and fell in a deep sigh .
21 Her breasts rose and fell on a shaky little breath and a fierce warm ache assailed her loins , the pit of her stomach , her innermost being .
22 Their chances rose or fell depending upon the country to which they had been allotted .
23 Her thoughts whirled and tumbled like leaves in a gale .
24 Her colleagues came and went ; they had got younger and younger , it seemed , as time went by ; those who were career-minded departed for lusher pastures , more Susies and Karens took their places , giggling in the cloakroom , muddling up the reservation cards .
25 Its companions emerged and approached the small fire , but stayed warily at a distance , more afraid of the flame than of the humans who had kindled it , Tallis decided .
26 And new Manager , Denis Smith , must have exploded at the way his defenders dillied and dallied and never got to the ball on time .
27 His fingers jabbed and sketched as he explained the details .
28 He was conscious that his words creaked and grated like machinery in the wrong hands , and that his smiling glance upwards at the bunch of mistletoe was more of a leer , a leer that stayed , unnaturally fixed by confusion and rage , as he observed Clare 's hesitation .
29 While O'Neill and his supporters represented that visit as the Republic s de facto recognition that the North did exist as a separate entity and that doing necessary economic business with the North meant the Republic attenuating its claims to the territory of Ulster , the conservative Protestants saw it as an horrendous betrayal of the history and sacrifice of Ulster Protestants .
30 Many times during the past evening he had returned to her , in ludicrous , colourful , brightly painted effigy , all his embarrassments clustered and clanging round him , all his mannerisms protruding , projected , enhanced : the sharp red nose , the usually broken bifocal spectacles , the striped woolly lunch-spattered waistcoats , the bald shining brown freckled Professor Branestawm brow , the pockets full of string , the green socks and brown sandals , the little pedantries , the favourite quotations , the antiquarian commentary , the hydrometer , the tufts of hair in his ears , the batty , potty , dotty , hurt , persistent grin .
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