Example sentences of "[vb -s] [conj] it [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He adds that it is not in the traders ' interests for the elephants to die out .
2 The company adds that it is already benefiting from increased efficiency and expects a large return on its financial investment in Weldon .
3 Tom adds that it is very important for young horses to have their teeth checked before they are bitted and broken ; racehorses usually have their first session at two years-old .
4 There must be some gain to the citizen , however minimal , in living under a constitution which regularises the way in which power is exercised ; even where government is authoritarian , it matters that it is not arbitrary .
5 Editor , — Fritz H Schröder rightly emphasises that it is not known whether treatment of early prostatic cancer is beneficial or whether screening for the disease offers any advantage .
6 Taken in with his bottle of National Dried Milk and vitamin drops that it was all right to kill .
7 The variety of comment illustrates that it is not possible for outsiders to specify criteria of competent practice without indulging in prescriptive evaluation .
8 While Strathclyde records the highest numbers of the most serious offences , the survey highlights that it is not alone in suffering steep rises in violent crime .
9 In Greek tragedy , in most of Jane Austen 's novels , a leading figure in the drama realises with a sense of shock that the world is other than once imagined , and accepts that it is so .
10 Catt accepts that it was only a minor detail in her boyfriend 's sacking but feels it has a relevance .
11 Beattie concludes that it is only during the hesitant phase of a speech cycle that the clause is a major unit of speech planning .
12 Instead , we 're willing to take the risk and give Birmingham the retail centre it deserves and needs if it is not to be completely undermined by rival out-of-town attractions . ’
13 which it looks like it is n't .
14 Looks like it 's over to the Government , Kirsty .
15 The trick is if you go away it does n't look like you have , and erm the same thing happens in a design studio , or if you 're the art director of a publication or of a book publisher , that everybody works together so it looks like it 's not all the same person doing everything .
16 ‘ So it looks like it 's all solved already .
17 Looks like it 's very inhabitable .
18 Well the , the bed , there were no spring beds in , that came into my life until many years after , were the old straw palliasses , which were really more hygienic to sleep on than your spring beds , because you get the lumbar trouble with a straw palliasses cos it was just hip firm , I give you an instance I used to , as I was growing older I used to fold my trousers and put them under the mattress to press my trousers so I 'd always got a nice crease in my trousers , they were so solid that er you got y you did n't even get any wrinkles in your trousers in those days .
19 But even in democratic societies knowledge of the past changes as historical scholarship develops and it is often found that the official record of the time under study contains errors or even deliberate falsification .
20 now I am retired and er yes last year I was feeling a bit decrepit , you know I used to go for a full wal walk round after lunch , after dinner , around where she lives and it 's much harder now .
21 One is forced to ask what OSF had to gain and wonders if it was n't some kind of supralegal manoeuvre to put pressure on Addamax and Sun because they 've got something on the OSF contingent .
22 He has not done a lot of opera but thinks that it is just the way things worked out .
23 If the hon. Gentleman thinks that it is not , why does not he have the courage to stand up and say so ?
24 He thinks that it is more important to convince doctors that ‘ teaching ’ is a broad term and covers much of what they do every day and to ensure that they receive adequate training and support to carry it out well .
25 If you are asking me where the remedy lies , my answer is that I have told you before and I shall go on telling you , and you know perfectly well what it is , though everybody thinks that it is too difficult and that therefore there must be a different remedy .
26 When one thinks that it is so easy to simply discard direct mail , it is more difficult to ignore a telephone call , especially if the message is ‘ personalised ’ .
27 However , Debbie thinks that it 's not a good idea to pressurise children into playing an instrument too early .
28 Now Councillor thinks that it was just an accident and people will understand .
29 Though we threaten her with a headline reading ‘ Real Labour candidates do n't eat muesli ’ she insists that it 's not for her own consumption .
30 Mr Delors insists that it is up to the pontifical authorities to check that everything is above board .
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