Example sentences of "[subord] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 The plea for information about alma had hundreds of people scurrying for their dictionaries , where they soon realised that the game in question did in fact go under the name of halma .
2 He does rather qualify his view where he later considers that the present case is not ‘ an appropriate case for seeking to advance the frontiers of the law of negligence ’ , and he seeks to confine the decision to its own particular facts .
3 Later , when I was more familiar with the beliefs and practices of the movement and had ‘ learned the language ’ , I would interact with the Moonies as though I were one of them , and , although I never pretended that I accepted their beliefs or that I was anything other than a sociologist studying the movement , members who did not know me would mistake me for a member — the Moonies themselves were no longer ‘ translating ’ for me when we were interacting .
4 George MacKerracher was a character in himself , and although I always suspected that he made up most of his stories , he told them with such sincerity and verve that they were quite believable .
5 We 're sticking to our original plan , and they 'll have to accept it , although I sometimes think that , if we knew we were about to die , I 'd rather post Oliver through the nearest letter-box and just let him take pot luck .
6 I 'm essentially a social historian , although I sometimes think that if I wanted to find the right adjective , and I 've never been too much worried about adjectives , I would say I 'm really a cultural historian .
7 Although I personally find that a very difficult thing to hear .
8 I needed a fix more than I ever thought that I could .
9 Our exchanges have been by telephone or Royal Mail , so I readily acknowledge that there may be some problems there .
10 One feminist , Mrs Wolstenholme-Elmy ( who as a young woman determined to follow Mary Wollstonecraft 's example and live with her lover , until on becoming pregnant she took the advice of fellow suffragists and married ) accepted the idea that menstruation was essentially pathological , although she also argued that it was caused by men 's brutality .
11 For this reason Simons argues that self-evaluation should be isolated from accountability demands for a time , although she also believes that school self-evaluation could provide the most positive form of accountability procedure in the long term .
12 Although she often maintained that it was her own choice not to attend , she told an American interviewer , I would love to go to board meetings where he [ Bernard ] is chairman but I 'm not invited .
13 Although she subsequently indicated that she intended to institute divorce proceedings , the mother subsequently returned to Australia after the husband had paid a second visit to England .
14 ‘ You seem to know a lot about other people 's affairs so you probably know that this house is partly mine .
15 There was a lot of spit and the teeth bumped into yours which meant that you were spitting chips of enamel afterwards , and she kissed with her eyes open and she had a very bad squint — so you always thought that she was watching something else .
16 So you now admit that you knew him ? ’
17 We broadly support the notion that everyone should enjoy the right of access to the countryside , although we also believe that with rights come responsibilities .
18 Now two things have happened — one is that better , safer pills have been introduced , but secondly a lot of the scares which there were of five or ten years ago , have been shown to be quite unjustified , so we now know that using the more modern of the oral contraceptives erm there 's really very little risk indeed .
19 Although they privately felt that they themselves would properly decide the fate of the territories , even the most conservative mayors began to acknowledge the PLO .
20 Recently , Laupacis et al proposed that the adoption and use of new health technologies should be classified into five grades of recommendation based on their cost per QALY , although they also acknowledged that many other issues other than cost effectiveness , such as ethical and political considerations , affect the implementation of a new technology .
21 They need to see a tough manager — someone like you , hey ? — so they never think that the organisation has gone soft .
22 Although it later transpired that the RSSPCC were contracted by the Social Work Department to remove and question the South Ronaldsay children , at the time it was generally understood that Orkney 's own social workers were mainly involved .
23 Iraqi forces were debarred from using military aircraft , although it subsequently emerged that this had only been made explicit with regard to fixed-wing aircraft rather than helicopters .
24 Clifford always insisted that there must be a real ‘ conversion ’ for each individual although he also thought that the belief in individualism had been pushed too far both in the Church and in society .
25 Cinema-going , as described by A. J. P. Taylor , was ‘ the essential social habit of the age ’ , although he also warns that ‘ highly educated people saw in it only vulgarity and the end of Old England ’ .
26 First , Mr Deng was more committed to the power of the Communist Party and to party discipline , although he also understood that as long as basic stability and prosperity were ensured , the party should guide but not govern .
27 Those new French windows are favoured by Sir John Soane , the Regency architect , because they provide a cheerful effect , although he also complains that windows generally have become preposterously large .
28 Despite onerous hours — he starts work at 4am and leaves the office about midnight having scanned the first editions of the next day 's newspapers — he has faith in his product , although he cheerfully admits that it needs tweaked into shape .
29 Although he partially guessed that Joe Hyde would not be in the shop , Patrick stopped long enough to check the window .
30 He had found one protection from those " storms " in the Anglican communion ( although he indignantly denied that it was any kind of comfortable haven ) , and during these years his role as one of the most prominent laymen in that communion was increasing ; as one biographical note in 1937 described him , Eliot had done much " to interpret literature to the theologian and theology to the men of letters " .
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